Originally Posted by LIIRISHMAN
I make it a policy at my pre-game to let both captains or managers know about the crash rule especially at home plate that the runner must give themselves up or slide to avoid being tagged when the defensive player has the ball. Avoiding injury isn't always possible even with all the latest advances that have been made in the last 10+ years.Also with the advent of better design with the hockey style mask it's possible that the catcher could still wear her mask while making the play at home.
I would recommend cutting that part out. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. You're there to take the lineups, cover any ground rules and league rules, and in Fed games in my area ask if the players are legally equipped and remind them the state emphasizes good sportsmanship.
I see too many umpires who want to put on rules clinics, remind the players to hustle on and off the field, make sure the coaches know to wait until we have granted their request for time, etc. None of that is necessary. They want to get the meeting over with and get the game started, so only go over the things you have to go over.