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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 29, 2007, 03:05am
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The little things

Just a little reminder for anyone who might wander by this board looking for an umpiring tip or whatever: ALWAYS pay attention to all the little things.

I was BU on Wednesday for a NFHS game between two neighboring schools. Girls knew each other, many play on the same travel teams. HS teams have a little disparity, with Team A faring better than Team B so far this season.

Wednesday's game was 0-0 through three innings, then Team A scored four runs in the fourth, six more in the top of the fifth. Of course Team A's coach decides it is time to put another pitcher in the game...she gets first two out, then gives up 3 hits in a row and we're staying longer than we thought.

In the top of the fifth, #15 for Team A (the only person who has not been in the game) is a courtesy runner for the pitcher (I think).

In the top of the seventh, she comes in to courtesy run for the catcher.

Team B waits until CR is announced then says, Oh no, can't do that, she ran for the pitcher in the fifth, she's illegal, blah blah blah. (Waited til after the game to have a little rules clinic...)

PU looks at his lineup card and realizes he has violated one of them there rules of umpin. He marked #15 down as a CR in the fifth, but didn't note the position for which she ran.

Cost us a good five minutes in the top of the seventh of a semi-lopsided game, then had to get the rule book out to teach the difference between an improper courtesy runner and an illegal sub.

The lesson learned: makes no difference if it's 0-0, or a slow pitch rec game, or 13-1 in the third. Pay attention to all of the details.

Of course everyone on this board does that...but just in cas we have onlookers...
An ucking fidiot
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 29, 2007, 06:21pm
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Great advice, John. Properly managing that lineup card has saved my butt from lots of stuff. I've seen them improperly managed - and that's not pretty.

Last year, Mike uic'd a tournament I worked. One of the things he told all of us was that if he's called to the field, the first thing he's going to want to see is the lineup card. It makes a lot of sense. Watch the details & take note of what needs to be noted.
Steve M
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 11:17am
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Has anyone considered having the BU record CR, as it is simple, easy to monitor from behind the runners and the PU recording it delays the game at what is often a high-momentum point?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 11:28am
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Originally Posted by CecilOne
Has anyone considered having the BU record CR, as it is simple, easy to monitor from behind the runners and the PU recording it delays the game at what is often a high-momentum point?
Are you going to have BU handle the lineup card & handle all changes? Or do you get 2 cards & PU handles some & BU handles some? How does BU know whether it's an eligible CR or not?

Taking care of the details takes very little time and having BU do them doesn't make any sense. Let me suggest the system EA designed & has on her cactusumpire site for lineup card management.
Steve M
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 01:31pm
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Originally Posted by CecilOne
Has anyone considered having the BU record CR, as it is simple, easy to monitor from behind the runners and the PU recording it delays the game at what is often a high-momentum point?
Absolutely no reason for the BU to be involved. The coach has to report the CR by rule, and that reporting has to be with the PU. It takes little time to record the change. In fact, for CRs and Conferences, I use a completely seperate card in my wallet. It comes with the line-up holders that one orders from Honigs.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 01:37pm
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi
It comes with the line-up holders that one orders from Honigs.
I use it too. It works great, especially when the coaches give me a postage stamp with their line up on it.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 08:02pm
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Originally Posted by bkbjones
Cost us a good five minutes in the top of the seventh of a semi-lopsided game, then had to get the rule book out to teach the difference between an improper courtesy runner and an illegal sub.
Wait a minute. Isn't anyone going to discuss the difference between an improper CR and an illegal sub?

There isn't any! The CR is an illegal sub (8-9 Penalty) and is subject to 3-4.1.a Illegal Sub rules. CR called out, and restricted to the bench.

Did that take 5 minutes to discuss?


BTW - I use Emily A's Lineup Management System. Yes, it means taking a few minutes pre-game to copy to your own line-up card, but it is well worth it. Every game you are looking at the same document. (The postage stamps and 8.5 x 11 computer printouts go in my hip pocket.) Instant visibility of substitutions, DP/FLEX changes, player re-entry status, and yes - CR status. To speed things up I don't copy names, just numbers. I can always pull out the coach's line-ups in case I need to match names to numbers. I have one team on each side of a single card that fits neatly into my Honigs holder.

Last edited by WestMichBlue; Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 08:09pm.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 10:56pm
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Originally Posted by WestMichBlue

BTW - I use Emily A's Lineup Management System. Yes, it means taking a few minutes pre-game to copy to your own line-up card, but it is well worth it. Every game you are looking at the same document. (The postage stamps and 8.5 x 11 computer printouts go in my hip pocket.) Instant visibility of substitutions, DP/FLEX changes, player re-entry status, and yes - CR status. To speed things up I don't copy names, just numbers. I can always pull out the coach's line-ups in case I need to match names to numbers. I have one team on each side of a single card that fits neatly into my Honigs holder.
WTH is that!!!

Man you go above and beyond. Usually I write the team color on the top so I dont have to figure out what team I'm thinking of and the coaches name, because I suck at names. Then I neatly scrunch/mash it into my holder or just my ball bag or back pocket. I have no trouble tracking subs.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 10:58pm
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Originally Posted by Steve M
Great advice, John. Properly managing that lineup card has saved my butt from lots of stuff. I've seen them improperly managed - and that's not pretty.

Last year, Mike uic'd a tournament I worked. One of the things he told all of us was that if he's called to the field, the first thing he's going to want to see is the lineup card. It makes a lot of sense. Watch the details & take note of what needs to be noted.
Out of curiosity, why does Mike want to look at the line up card unless its applicable to whatever is going on?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri Mar 30, 2007, 11:14pm
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[QUOTE=WestMichBlue]Wait a minute. Isn't anyone going to discuss the difference between an improper CR and an illegal sub?

There isn't any! The CR is an illegal sub (8-9 Penalty) and is subject to 3-4.1.a Illegal Sub rules. CR called out, and restricted to the bench.


It's my OP to hijack, right?

OK...if the PU was paying attention and had the freaking lineup in hand, it would be simple to prevent this. (I do more preventative umpiring in NFHS than ASA, because NFHS is slightly less punative - but I was the lowly BU and as a BU I don't want a lineup, tyvm.)

A simple "Coach, you can't do that" prevents heartaches...but again requires paying attention to the details.

AND...I would beg that an improper CR is NOT an illegal sub in NFHS.
An ucking fidiot
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 31, 2007, 05:34am
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Out of curiosity, why does Mike want to look at the line up card unless its applicable to whatever is going on?
If it's not applicable, I doubt he'd want to see it. I didn't have any of those problems.

And, you're right. If PU had done his job, the problem that came up while you were a "lowly BU" would not have come up.

Wade - What's going to happen if you're game is suspended, resumed at another date, and you are not available? Can the person who picks up the remainder of your game read your lineup card?
Steve M
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sat Mar 31, 2007, 09:22am
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Originally Posted by bkbjones
A simple "Coach, you can't do that" prevents heartaches...but again requires paying attention to the details.

AND...I would beg that an improper CR is NOT an illegal sub in NFHS.
I fully agree with your first sentence. Proper line-up management and the words "you can't do that" are supposed to prevent illegal subs from being in the line-up. If an illegal sub is discovered I feel it is the umpire's fault, but the player will pay the penalty.

Now - about that "improper CR." There is no such animal in the NFHS rule book (or ASA). You can have an "unreported CR," which is handled like any other unreported substitute - legal in the game once "Play" is declared by umpire. (Illegal Runner and disqualified in ASA.)

If a player is not a legal CR (already been in game, previously ran for a different player, substituted in the same half inning she was a CR, in for a DP who is batting for pitcher or catcher) then she is an illegal substitute. Called out, and restricted to the bench. (Illegal Player in ASA and disqualified.)

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 01, 2007, 03:03am
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Originally Posted by WestMichBlue
I fully agree with your first sentence. Proper line-up management and the words "you can't do that" are supposed to prevent illegal subs from being in the line-up. If an illegal sub is discovered I feel it is the umpire's fault, but the player will pay the penalty.

Now - about that "improper CR." There is no such animal in the NFHS rule book (or ASA). You can have an "unreported CR," which is handled like any other unreported substitute - legal in the game once "Play" is declared by umpire. (Illegal Runner and disqualified in ASA.)

If a player is not a legal CR (already been in game, previously ran for a different player, substituted in the same half inning she was a CR, in for a DP who is batting for pitcher or catcher) then she is an illegal substitute. Called out, and restricted to the bench. (Illegal Player in ASA and disqualified.)

You are correct, sir.
An ucking fidiot
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