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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 02, 2006, 04:00pm
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"B2 has 3-2 count and hits a pop up near the on deck circle."

How far was the on deck circle from 3B?

"R1 while off the base INT's with F5's play."

How far off the base?

I have seen small fields where the on deck circle is only a few feet away from the field and larger fields with lots of room to the on deck circle. If F5 would have caught the ball, was R1 far enough off the base to definitely get doubled off?
ASA Umpire
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 02, 2006, 05:54pm
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The runner and the batter are both out.

ASA 8.7.L.Note.Exception
ASA 2006 Case Play 8.8-43
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 07:41am
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer
I'm not stupid - I re-read the OP before I wrote that - it didn't say the runner was off on the pitch or anything so I'm guessing their position (as is everyone) because it just says they were off the bag. I am assuming they were watching the pop and wandered off the bag - if they could be doubled up from that position they shouldn't be playing softball - baseball maybe. LOL! So, no, I have NEVER seen a player stupid enough to get tagged on a pop foul ball by the 3rd base bag. I am sure in your vast experience you have - but not me.
I didn't call you stupid. Maybe you should re-reread the OP, though. Unless the on-deck circle was drawn in the coach's box (in my "vast experience", I've never seen that, have you?), then the runner, when she interfered, was more than just a couple of steps off the bag. This could be 15-20 feet (probably the closest I've ever seen the ODC to 3rd base) or it could be 40 or 50 feet. In both cases, easy catch and throw DP... but even if it was drawn 2 steps from third base, if the runner is close enough to interfere with the catch, the runner is CERTAINLY within range of a tag if the ball is allowed to be caught - again, easy DP.

BTW - the DP talk is not really even necessary for making this call, since 2 outs is SPECIFICALLY pointed out in this EXACT situation in the rulebook. But the possible DP does explain the reasoning for the rule, and keeps it consistent with other interference situations where a runner has broken up a potential DP.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 07:43am
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Originally Posted by tzme415
"B2 has 3-2 count and hits a pop up near the on deck circle."

How far was the on deck circle from 3B?

"R1 while off the base INT's with F5's play."

How far off the base?

I have seen small fields where the on deck circle is only a few feet away from the field and larger fields with lots of room to the on deck circle. If F5 would have caught the ball, was R1 far enough off the base to definitely get doubled off?
Doesn't really matter, since this is BY RULE a 2-out interference call. But if R1 was close enough to F5 to interfere with a catch, she was certainly closer to F5 than third base - and certainly an easy DP by tag, if not throw to 3B.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 09:45am
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer
... so I'm guessing their position (as is everyone) because it just says they were off the bag. I am assuming they were watching the pop and wandered off the bag - if they could be doubled up from that position they shouldn't be playing softball - baseball maybe. LOL! So, no, I have NEVER seen a player stupid enough to get tagged on a pop foul ball by the 3rd base bag. I am sure in your vast experience you have - but not me.
The OP said the pop fly was over near the on-deck circle. Now, with some field layouts, that could be anywhere from where the coach's box should be to just off the batter's box... but assuming somewhat of a reasonable field layout, this would be away from the baseline and well away from 3B, well into foul territory. The OP also said R1 interferedwith F5, who was otherwise able to make the catch with ordinary effort. I admit I assumed physical interference, which would place R1 well away from the base and right next to the fielder. Hence, a relatively easy DP after the catch.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 10:36am
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Why do most of you assume R1 was close to where the catch would occur? F5 started in fair ground and had to cross the base line to get to the ball and so the R1 could be way beyond tagging distance from F5 at the ball, if F5 got there. The OP reads to me like R1 was in the way of F5 headed for the ball, nothing implied about R1 being near the ball.

Of course, none of that matters to the 2-out interpretation of the rule, which is what the OP asked and probably why the geography was not specified in the OP.
With 2 outs by rule, the rest of the parameters don't matter, except to understand the reasoning of the rule, as mcrowder said.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 10:48am
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Originally Posted by CecilOne
Why do most of you assume R1 was close to where the catch would occur?
I admit it is an assumption, but it is because of how the OP stated the situation. For "everyone in the park" to know that this was a can of corn catch led me to assume F5 was camped under the pop up and then was interfered with.

But, as has been said several times, it makes no difference. This situation is specific in the rules. 2 outs.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 09:53pm
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Originally Posted by mcrowder
I didn't call you stupid. Maybe you should re-reread the OP, though. Unless the on-deck circle was drawn in the coach's box (in my "vast experience", I've never seen that, have you?), then the runner, when she interfered, was more than just a couple of steps off the bag. This could be 15-20 feet (probably the closest I've ever seen the ODC to 3rd base) or it could be 40 or 50 feet. In both cases, easy catch and throw DP... but even if it was drawn 2 steps from third base, if the runner is close enough to interfere with the catch, the runner is CERTAINLY within range of a tag if the ball is allowed to be caught - again, easy DP.

BTW - the DP talk is not really even necessary for making this call, since 2 outs is SPECIFICALLY pointed out in this EXACT situation in the rulebook. But the possible DP does explain the reasoning for the rule, and keeps it consistent with other interference situations where a runner has broken up a potential DP.
No you didn't call me stupid - but it was insinuated by a smarta$$ comment (IMO). I understand the rule calls for both to be called out. (I'm curious about other rulesets though and I'm too lazy to look.)

My point about the runner being close enough to be tagged out was that if the pop is near the on-deck circle and that's a routine play there's no way the runner is going to be off the bag far enough to be thrown/tagged out. They would only be off that far if they are stupid (like me) or showing off (which would also be stupid).
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 03, 2006, 10:04pm
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OK, I did check in the NCAA rule book and in that ruleset, the runner is declared out and it's a foul ball on the batter. (9.13.5 for those scoring at home)

I know (or assume) that the question was for ASA but since I do NF and NCAA I was just curious to see if my call was correct in my rulesets.
Larry Ledbetter

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 04, 2006, 01:53am
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Don't get hung up on the location of the on-deck circle in the original post, it is really irrelevant since the fly ball was catchable with ordinary effort by F5.

We had a treat here yesterday in Johnson City, TN at ASA 14A Nationals. Henry Pollard and Dan Blair visited us in the umpire's room for a while. This was the perfect opportunity to get it straight from the horse's mouth.

According to Henry: Bottom line in this case, the rules were changed and they missed cleaning it out of the POE. The main body of the Rules are not superceded by the POE's and not by the Case Book. These are to clarify, but if there is a contradiction between the Rules and the POE or the Rules and the Case Book, YOU GO BY THE RULES!

So now we have our answer. R1 is OUT for INT, and B2 is OUT also.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 04, 2006, 09:08am
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Let me hijack this one a little bit and get some answers to something that came up on another discussion board last week (ASA rules).

Take the exact same secenario presented in the first post, but make this change: instead of R1 interfering with with F5, let's suppose that F5 was interfered with by the third base coach.

The "Exception" noted above (from rule 8-7-L) applies to cases where a runner commits the act of interference.

Would this same "Exception" apply when a base coach is the guilty party?

For my altered version of this play, would the ruling be:

a) Runner closest to home (R1) called "out" and the batter called "out".

b) Runner closest to home (R1) called "out" and batter still at bat, charged with a foul ball?

If (b), what if the pop-up was a fair ball? Would the batter be awarded first base.

The rule on coaches interference says that the runner closest to home is out on this play. My instict would be to call the batter out also.

But the "Exception" noted above reads as an exception to several rules that cover interference by a runner. The rule about interference by a coach is not specifically covered by this exception.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Fri Aug 04, 2006, 10:06am
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer
I know (or assume) that the question was for ASA ...
Especially since the OP said
ASA Girls FP
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 05, 2006, 08:22am
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Originally Posted by MNBlue
I have 2 outs as well. R1 is out for the interference. Clear cut. BR is out because of the exception. The possibility of a double play is irrelevant.

If I can judge whether a fly ball is caught with ordinary effort for the purposes of an IF, I can certainly judge it for the purposes of enforcing this rule as well.

If a base runner takes a catch away by interference I'm not giving the bat back to the batter that would have been out with ordinary effort. Isn't that what the exception is there for? I agree with you this is clear cut and we have two outs. ...Al

Last edited by Al; Sat Aug 05, 2006 at 08:41am. Reason: used incorrect word...fielder instead of base runner
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 05, 2006, 09:44am
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Originally Posted by BretMan
The rule on coaches interference says that the runner closest to home is out on this play. My instict would be to call the batter out also.

But the "Exception" noted above reads as an exception to several rules that cover interference by a runner. The rule about interference by a coach is not specifically covered by this exception.
Wasn't that superseded by the recent change about fly balls in foul ground?
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sat Aug 05, 2006, 08:58pm
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Could be, CecilOne...but for the life of me, I'm not sure which recent change you are referring to!
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