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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 11, 2006, 09:33am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Upstate, SC
Posts: 440
Illegal Pitches...

1) Is there any Fast Pitch rules set that allows what we call the "slip pitch," where the pitcher does a backswing, releases the pitch on the upswing then completes a full rotation after release. I know it is illegal in ISA, NSA, and NFHS. In a WFC game this weekend, I saw one not only thrown for a strike, but when the pitcher game up to bat at the beginning of the next inning, the umpire complimented her on her change up (meaning that pitch).

2) I started to post this under the "Cat" topic, but... what would indicate to you a flagrant enough crow hop to call an illegal pitch? Seeing the "pivot" foot pivoting again as the pitcher pushes off again? Seeing a cloud of dust as the "pivot" foot replants?
Just Tryin' to Learn...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jul 11, 2006, 09:50am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
Originally Posted by JefferMC
1) Is there any Fast Pitch rules set that allows what we call the "slip pitch," where the pitcher does a backswing, releases the pitch on the upswing then completes a full rotation after release. I know it is illegal in ISA, NSA, and NFHS. In a WFC game this weekend, I saw one not only thrown for a strike, but when the pitcher game up to bat at the beginning of the next inning, the umpire complimented her on her change up (meaning that pitch).
This is illegal in ASA, NFHS, and AFA, and probably most others as well. The illegal part is contining for a revolution of the arm after releasing the ball. Doesn't WFC publish a ridiculously short "guideline" rule book for their tournaments? If they did not state that continuing with a revolution of the arm after releasing the pitch is illegal, I guess it would then be legal.

Originally Posted by JefferMC
2) I started to post this under the "Cat" topic, but... what would indicate to you a flagrant enough crow hop to call an illegal pitch? Seeing the "pivot" foot pivoting again as the pitcher pushes off again? Seeing a cloud of dust as the "pivot" foot replants?
Varies a bit with the rule set. Cloud of dust means nothing. If the pitcher pushes off again, that is definitely a crow hop.
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