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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 02:11pm
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I also just launder my umpire pants versus taking them in to get dry cleaned. I will bet you could take my laundered pants, put them on a hanger and take the dry cleaned pants and do the same and it would be hard to tell the difference. Dave
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 02:50pm
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Emily Alexander

IRISHMAFIA types:."No flash, just a call." & "As an umpire and UIC, I do not get impressed with shoes and belts treated with this product. It's fine and dandy if you are marching in a parade or putting on a show for someone. As an umpire, it doesn't improve you performance and, if anything, only draws attention to you and that is not an umpire's purpose on the field.

Give me a good, clean polished shoe and you're fine: As an umpire and UIC, I do not get impressed with shoes and belts treated with this product. It's fine and dandy if you are marching in a parade or putting on a show for someone. As an umpire, it doesn't improve you performance and, if anything, only draws attention to you and that is not an umpire's purpose on the field.

Give me a good, clean polished shoe and you're fine "

You've been hanging around Emily to long.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 04:17pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
You obviously have not seen me call a third strike. No flash, just a call.
You are absolutely correct - I have never seen you call a third strike. I wasn't necessarily commenting on your third strike, just others in general.

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Just where in any previous posts did I "judge" anyone? Seems to me, I just noted my personal opinion and preference.
Here: As an umpire and UIC, I do not get impressed with shoes and belts treated with this product. It's fine and dandy if you are marching in a parade or putting on a show for someone. As an umpire, it doesn't improve you performance and, if anything, only draws attention to you and that is not an umpire's purpose on the field.

And here: Guess I just don't care for "flashy" in an umpire.

This may be your opinion but seemed judgemental to me. And perception is reality!

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Of course, appearance is important. No one in this thread said that it wasn't. And where did I ever bring into question an umpire's ability as it relates to their wardrobe? Apparently, your computer has a special filter which allows you to read hidden text that the rest of us do not see.
Yes, you seem to think that YOUR view of appearance is absolute. You didn't say that an umpire's ability relates to their wardrobe - I was AGREEING with you. You must be a little sensative about this.

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
You note the ease of wiping these shoes clean, yet you go to the trouble and expense of having your pants dry cleaned?
Absolutely! I also do that in basketball. Your comparison of my pants and shoes is an apples/oranges comparison. I can clean my shoes very quickly and they shine like new. In order to accomplish this with my pants, I change them.

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I have never had to take a pair of pants I wear on the field to the cleaners. Always just a wash away from looking new and never, never lost a permanent crease. Most pair last me 3-4 years of year-round wear.
BRAVO! I tend to loose my crease when I wash them myself. Occasionally I will throw them in the washer if I don't have time to go to the cleaners. I have some pants that are entering their 8th season and still look great. I don't understand why I'm a bad guy because I choose to dry-clean my pants. My pants, my money, my choice. Plus, I'm a lazy, divorced, SOB so that's less laundry I have to do!!!

I didn't mean to piss anyone off - hope I didn't!
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 07:08pm
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Many of us ex-military types like the spit shined look, for our dress shoes. But let ask you old combat vets. How many of you wore spit shines in the bush? My shoes are buffed to a nice glossy shine, which I just brush off between games (if time allows). When they are muddy, and living in the Pacific NW they get muddy, I just use a stiff brush to knock the mud off and the soft brush to shine what remains. Worked for my combat boots, works for my umpire shoes. No complaints.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 10:28pm
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Originally Posted by Bandit
You've been hanging around Emily to long.
Actually, I've only conversed with EA a couple of times, never discussed uniforms.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 10:43pm
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Larry, I wasn't being judgmental of anyone, simply expressing an opinion. Never stated anyone was a "bad guy" or a lesser umpire because your opinion differed. Then again, until it came to the pants, I wasn't addressing anyone in particular, just normal chatter.

I don't care for the product because it damages the leather and can create a health issue with some umpires. A health issue which attacks one of an umpire's most important assets, their feet.

I don't care for the look on the field just because I don't. I am ex-military and can put a spit shine on any shoe, but I choose not to for a couple of reasons.

When I was first assigned to a national I was told to put a military crease in the Elbeco because that is what was expected. I was told not to show up with spit shined shoes and a glossy belt because that isn't what the UICs wanted. I am a believer in uniform and apparently carried the same opinion as EA without realizing it.

If you showed up to work a tournament for me, I wouldn't do anything to embarass you, nor allow it to affect your assignments or rating. I may ask you to wear an alternative pair of shoes if some were available. I would voice my opinion to you privately and leave it at that.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 10:01am
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Most pair last me 3-4 years of year-round wear.
What? You wear them to church in the off-season? More room for kneeling?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 12:27pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
If you showed up to work a tournament for me, I wouldn't do anything to embarass you, nor allow it to affect your assignments or rating. I may ask you to wear an alternative pair of shoes if some were available. I would voice my opinion to you privately and leave it at that.
Would you really ask someone to wear a different pair of shoes? Please, please, please tell me that I just missed the humor and sarcasm in that statement. If my college supervisor or our state HS association (or other authoritative organization) mandated that we could NOT wear patent leather shoes, of course I would comply. If it were another official - well, I'd get a big laugh out of that. I really hope I was supposed to laugh at being asked by another official to wear another pair of shoes. I personally wouldn't care what shoes you wore as long as you can officiate the game. If you look professional and can take care of business, I don't care!
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 12:30pm
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Originally Posted by BuggBob
Many of us ex-military types like the spit shined look, for our dress shoes. But let ask you old combat vets. How many of you wore spit shines in the bush? My shoes are buffed to a nice glossy shine, which I just brush off between games (if time allows). When they are muddy, and living in the Pacific NW they get muddy, I just use a stiff brush to knock the mud off and the soft brush to shine what remains. Worked for my combat boots, works for my umpire shoes. No complaints.

During four years at Annapolis, I hated spit-shining my shoes. I wore the uncomfortable Corfams just to keep from having to do it. 35 years later, retired from the Navy, I'm anal about spit-shining my plate shoes. I even do it during my off game during a tournament. I admit that I'm weird -- but the spit-shined size 14s draw compliments from coaches, players, and even fans.

(I guess if I ever get a chance to work a tournament for Mike, I'll have to dull the finish to make sure I don't draw any attention to myself. )
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 02:37pm
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer
...If my college supervisor or our state HS association (or other authoritative organization) mandated that we could NOT wear patent leather shoes, of course I would comply. If it were another official - well, I'd get a big laugh out of that. I really hope I was supposed to laugh at being asked by another official to wear another pair of shoes...
Don't know if you missed any humor in Mike's post, but you did miss two little words... he said
If you showed up to work a tournament for me, ...
FYI, Mike is the ASA UIC for his state.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 02:47pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Don't know if you missed any humor in Mike's post, but you did miss two little words... he said FYI, Mike is the ASA UIC for his state.
Again, a UIC telling me what shoes to wear? I would stay home. I'm sure Mike is a great umpire, he really seems to have great insights on the rules but I assure you that's going overboard. Our UIC required things like hats, shirts, ball bags - but shoes? I wear fruit of the looms too - but they aren't shiney - I hope that's ok.
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.

Last edited by Mountaineer; Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 02:55pm.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 02:54pm
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer
... If my college supervisor or our state HS association (or other authoritative organization) ...
So, you didn't mean this?

I don't know about you, but I generally take seriously suggestions made by tournament UIC's, state UIC's and the like. Doesn't mean I always do as they suggest, but I do consider their point of view.

And, a tournament or state UIC is hardly just "another official."
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 03:07pm
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In another galaxy far, far away many moons ago I was told patent leather was verboten for softball. Hence, last pair I had (baseball) went to charity long ago.

My feet go into shock with the mention of Leather Luster. I can assure you my shoes better be able to breathe, because not only do my feet perspire, they also sweat; moreover when they sweat and the sweat is trapped people think they must be near a rendering plant or something. They smell almost as bad as my umpiring.

No patent leather, and if you're working ASA no pleated pants whether washed or dry cleaned.
An ucking fidiot
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jun 20, 2006, 03:35pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota
So, you didn't mean this?

I don't know about you, but I generally take seriously suggestions made by tournament UIC's, state UIC's and the like. Doesn't mean I always do as they suggest, but I do consider their point of view.

And, a tournament or state UIC is hardly just "another official."
Absolutely I meant it - no state or local speaks for an organization! In this instance, it would be someone in power dictating based on personal preference. We had that very thing happen in ASA here in WV and many of us simply got out. I just think telling me what shoes to wear is stretching your authority a bit whether it's Mike or anyone else. If they said, "I don't like those" or "I wouldn't wear those" - that's different. But to tell me NOT to wear them.

I know I'm probably being labled a jerk here because of one thread - and I hope I'm not. I honestly do not mean this as an attack on Mike - I'm not that kind of guy. I just think shoe police based on personal preference is going overboard.
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 21, 2006, 10:05am
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer
Would you really ask someone to wear a different pair of shoes? Please, please, please tell me that I just missed the humor and sarcasm in that statement. If my college supervisor or our state HS association (or other authoritative organization) mandated that we could NOT wear patent leather shoes, of course I would comply. If it were another official - well, I'd get a big laugh out of that. I really hope I was supposed to laugh at being asked by another official to wear another pair of shoes. I personally wouldn't care what shoes you wore as long as you can officiate the game. If you look professional and can take care of business, I don't care!
Again, you have that special filter on your computer that produces words no one else sees.

I simply stated that I may ASK the umpire to wear another pair if s/he had them available. BTW, you have just changed the issue. Patent leather shoes and shoes treated with a Leather Lustre-type product are not the same.

The reason I would ask would be so that particular umpire would not stand out from his/her partners. Like it or not, the term uniform has a meaning and it doesn't just apply to a hat, shirt and pants.

I also stated that wearing the topic shoes would not affect the umpire's assignments or rating. I have never requested an umpire at the regional or lower level to change their shoes.

I had an umpire who is scheduled to work with me next month ask if patent leather shoes were okay. My response was "don't be funny". If this guy practices what he preaches, and I'm confident he does, he's a good umpire. His patent leather shoes are not going to bother me, or anyone else.

For the last time, I simply offered an opinion (which is shared by others) and preference. Meanwhile, you want to turn it into a national case of a UIC being overbearing. Compared to some out there, I'm very mild-mannered.

However, since you don't work ASA, I guess you really do not need to worry about it. I certainly am not.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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