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Old Fri Mar 12, 2004, 11:32pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally posted by Dukat
If it is your DD's team and you see something like a girl miss a base or leave early or general stuff like that do you comment on those situations? I realize you never criticize another ump but what about general game type comments?
I've learned not to. It is easy to think of these as just general comments, but if the other parents know you are an umpire (as they no doubt do) you can't comment on anything that might be construed as a negative comment (and if you saw something that the game umpire didn't, that can't be anything but negative). If you do, it won't be long before some parent who is just a bit excitable will shout --- "She left early, Blue. He (pointing at you) saw it too, and he's an umpire!"

You'll be looking for a hole to drop into.

The voice of experience talking - take heed!
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