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Old Sat Mar 13, 2004, 07:55pm
TexBlue TexBlue is offline
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You know, if the PU really did have his head in the game, he wouldn't have been worried about what's going on outside the fence. He might have been embarassed about losing the count, but, then who hadn't done that before. 99.9% of the time, I'm having too much fun inside the fence, plus doing all my responsibilities, to worry about some fan whose cousin's sister's boyfriend's uncle's neighbor told him a rule 20 years ago. I don't know, but if you're so worried about what's being said outside the fence, can you really be having fun inside the fence? The only time I have ever been concerned about fans is when I believe it's affecting either of the teams' performance on the field. Then, I just take the coach to the fence and ask him to handle it, as he/she is responsible for their fans. Worked every time so far.
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