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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 05, 2023, 05:58pm
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NFHS interp screwup?

If anyone is in theNFHS softball umpire group you may of seen this discussion.

Copied from Facebook

Rule 8-1-1 says a batter becomes a batter-runner when "a. the batter legally hits a fair ball."

Rule 8-2-7 says a batter-runner is out "e. by making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base."

So why are umpires discussing whether a batter-runner is still inside the batter's box or not when she hits a fair ball and then, as she takes off for first base, she contacts the fair ball? And that if she's still in the batter's box (e.g., neither one of her feet has contacted the ground completely outside of the box when she contacts the ball), it's a foul ball? Nowhere in 8-2-7 is the batter's box referenced as a "safe haven" to a batter-runner.

Play: Right-handed batter squares to bunt, and the bunted ball bounces in front of the plate and starts to move forward towards F1. As the batter-runner (not a batter any longer per 8-1-1a) takes off for first, she contacts the ball with her right hip and redirects it towards the first-base line.

Tell me which rule says that this is a foul ball if neither of the batter-runner's feet have contacted the ground completely outside of the batter's box?



I'll post the interps that kicked this off later
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 05, 2023, 06:09pm
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Situation 1: With no outs, B1 is at bat in the right hand batter’s box and hits a ball that goes directly off home plate and settles in front of home plate between the batter’s boxes. As B1 is starting to run to first base their right foot contacts the ball. The plate umpire rules this a foul ball as B1’s left foot is still within the batter’s box when contact was made with the batted ball. RULING: Incorrect ruling. Once the ball is contacted by B1 in fair territory outside of their batter’s box it is a fair ball. Since B1 has now hit a fair ball they become a batter-runner and are ruled out for making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base. (2-20-1a, 2-20-1d, 8-1-1a, 8-2-7e) Situation 2: With no outs and a 0 ball, 1 strike count, B1 is at bat in the right hand batter’s box and hits a ball that drops off the bat and settles within the right handed batter’s box. The ball is in the front right corner, nearest home plate, of the batter’s box. As B1 begins to run there is contact between B1 and the batted ball. The plate umpire rules B1 out since the ball was in a portion of the batter’s box that is in fair territory when contact was made. RULING: Incorrect ruling. Although this would normally be a fair ball as it was first touched on or over fair territory between home and third base, rule 7-2-1f specifies that when contact between a batter and a batted ball occurs within the batter’s box it is a foul ball. In this case, the correct ruling is a foul ball and B1 remains at bat with a 0 ball, 2 strike count. (2-25-1d, 2-25-1f, 7-2-1f) Situation 3: With no outs B1, a left handed slapper, is up to bat. As B1 finishes their swing making contact with the ball, their front foot is in contact with the ground completely outside of the batter’s box in fair territory. The batted ball bounces up and makes contact with the batters front foot. The plate umpire rules a dead ball and B1 out for making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base. RULING: Correct ruling. When contact occurs, the umpire must judge if that contact between the batted ball and the batter happened while the batter was still considered inside the batter’s box or if they are considered outside the batter’s box and contact occurred in fair territory completely outside of the batter’s box. If the umpire judges contact was made in fair territory completely outside of their batter’s box and either of the batter’s feet have contacted the ground completely outside of the batter’s box then it is a fair ball. The batter becomes a batter-runner and should be called out for making contact with a fair batted ball prior to reaching first base. However, if the umpire judges the contact was made while the batter is still considered to be within the batter’s box then it is simply a foul ball and the batter continues their at bat. (2-20-1a, 2-20-1d, 2-25-1d, 2-25-1f, 7-2-1f, 8-1-1a, 8-2-7e)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 05, 2023, 06:12pm
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Posts: 1,227
Too long to paste so I'll just post the clarification of the clarification link
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