Where is this located on the NFHS site? I've looked everywhere, or so it seems, and I've yet to discover where this listing is located.
I would appreciate your help. Thanks, Dave
Yo Lama....How about a little somethin' for the effort... --Carl Spackler |
2003 NFHS Printing Errors and Corrections
Rules Book: 1. 2-17-4b (page 22): Should read: Against defensive players who are in the zone at the snap. 10-5-1e (page 63): "A foul by the opponent of the scoring team on a successful field goal. (See 8-4-3)" Casebook: 1. 2.9.4 Situation D (page 16) Ruling: enforced from the post-scrimmage spot. (2-9-3; 2-40-6; 6-5-1, 6); 2. 2.17.2 Situation D (page 16) Ruling: in order to be blocked below the waist ; 3. 8.3.2 Situation C (page 56) Ruling: In (c) A undoubtedly will accept the result of the play and enforce the penalty from the succeeding spot. (7-5-10 Pen; 7-5-12 Pen; 8-3-4, 5; 10-5-4) ; 4. 9.7.3 Situation (page 72): In (d) since the foul was during a loose-ball play, before a change of possession, B may keep the touchdown by declining As foul. Otherwise, the penalty will be enforced from the spot of the foul and A will retain possession of the ball, if B accepts the penalty. (10-5-1); 5. 10.4.5 Situation D (page 81) Ruling: A will undoubtedly accept the result of the play and enforce the holding penalty from the 3-yard line and then enforce the penalty for the unsportsmanlike foul. The ball would then be snapped from the ¾ yard line. (3-3-3a; 10-5-1f); 6. 10.4.5 Situation I (page 82) Ruling: to lose possession due to illegal actions by A ; 7. 10.5.3 Situation A (page 83) Ruling: B may (a) accept the touchdown and enforce the penalty on the try; (b) accept the penalty and replay the down. In either case, A1 is disqualified for fighting. (8-2-2; 9-4-1); 8. 10.5.3 Situation B (page 83) Ruling: Delete the situation; 9. 10.5.3 Situation E (page 83): R may (a) accept the penalty, score the safety and have K free-kick from its 20-yard line; (b) accept the penalty, score the touchdown and have the penalty enforced on the try or (c) decline the penalty and accept the results of the play, which would be a touchdown. (8-2-2) Simplified & Illustrated: Page 5 (Top of page) Change A and B to read: A. R must foul during a scrimmage kick situation (Exception: Does not apply to trys), B. The R foul must occur after the ball has crossed the expanded neutral zone and on Rs side of the expanded neutral zone. 2-16-2g (page 6): Replace K92 with R2 and replace R2 with K92 in the description.
"...as cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott "You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith |
Simplified and Illustrated
another error in the Simplified and Illustrated?
Plays 2-16-2g on page 5 and 6 seem to be the same play but different rulings.. Is this error on the website? if not an error why is it PSK?
Check out and comment on football plays posted on the web... David http://mysite.verizon.net/res0kkni/footballvideo/ |
Re: Simplified and Illustrated
No wonder you missed that DPI!
"...as cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott "You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith |
Re: Re: Simplified and Illustrated
Oh and it was a good NO-CALL! YOu got any interesting plays to post?
Check out and comment on football plays posted on the web... David http://mysite.verizon.net/res0kkni/footballvideo/ |
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