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Old Thu Aug 14, 2003, 09:34am
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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2003 NFHS Printing Errors and Corrections

Rules Book:
1. 2-17-4b (page 22): Should read: “Against defensive players who are in the zone at the snap.” 10-5-1e (page 63): "A foul by the opponent of the scoring team on a successful field goal. (See 8-4-3)"


1. 2.9.4 Situation D (page 16) Ruling: “…enforced from the post-scrimmage spot. ” (2-9-3; 2-40-6; 6-5-1, 6);

2. 2.17.2 Situation D (page 16) Ruling: “… in order to be blocked below the waist …”;

3. 8.3.2 Situation C (page 56) Ruling: In (c) A undoubtedly will accept the result of the play and enforce the penalty from the succeeding spot. (7-5-10 Pen; 7-5-12 Pen; 8-3-4, 5; 10-5-4) ;

4. 9.7.3 Situation (page 72): In (d) since the foul was during a loose-ball play, before a change of possession, B may keep the touchdown by declining A’s foul. Otherwise, the penalty will be enforced from the spot of the foul and A will retain possession of the ball, if B accepts the penalty. (10-5-1);

5. 10.4.5 Situation D (page 81) Ruling: A will undoubtedly accept the result of the play and enforce the holding penalty from the 3-yard line and then enforce the penalty for the unsportsmanlike foul. The ball would then be snapped from the ¾ yard line. (3-3-3a; 10-5-1f);

6. 10.4.5 Situation I (page 82) Ruling: “… to lose possession due to illegal actions by A …”;

7. 10.5.3 Situation A (page 83) Ruling: B may (a) accept the touchdown and enforce the penalty on the try; (b) accept the penalty and replay the down. In either case, A1 is disqualified for fighting. (8-2-2; 9-4-1);

8. 10.5.3 Situation B (page 83) Ruling: Delete the situation;

9. 10.5.3 Situation E (page 83): R may (a) accept the penalty, score the safety and have K free-kick from its 20-yard line; (b) accept the penalty, score the touchdown and have the penalty enforced on the try or (c) decline the penalty and accept the results of the play, which would be a touchdown. (8-2-2)

Simplified & Illustrated:
Page 5 (Top of page) Change A and B to read: “A. R must foul during a scrimmage kick situation (Exception: Does not apply to trys)”, “B. The R foul must occur after the ball has crossed the expanded neutral zone and on R’s side of the expanded neutral zone.” 2-16-2g (page 6): Replace K92 with R2 and replace R2 with K92 in the description.
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