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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 30, 2007, 07:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 73
Partially Blocked Field Goal - Pro Rules

Had this play a couple of weeks ago. Team lines up for a 40 yard field goal on 4th down. The kick was partially blocked and goes beyond the yard to gain well short of the end zone where it is recovered. What is the ruling for both kicking team and defense regarding advancement of kick, possession, were the ball is placed due to missed field goal, and can kickers receive a first down based on recovering kick beyond the yard to gain.

We gave the ball to the defense first down at the spot where the kickers covered the ball.

5 sport ref
Laughlin, NV
Tony Vechiola

Carol Stream, Illinois
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 30, 2007, 11:34pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,906
Originally Posted by 5 sport ref
Had this play a couple of weeks ago. Team lines up for a 40 yard field goal on 4th down. The kick was partially blocked and goes beyond the yard to gain well short of the end zone where it is recovered. What is the ruling for both kicking team and defense regarding advancement of kick, possession, were the ball is placed due to missed field goal, and can kickers receive a first down based on recovering kick beyond the yard to gain.

We gave the ball to the defense first down at the spot where the kickers covered the ball.
My books aren't handy, so no references, but I can tell you the outcome.

NFL: Touching by R of the kick in NFL's version of the expanded neutral zone or on K's side of the neutral zone is ignored. You have first touching of scrimmage kick by K on R's side of the neutral zone, and the ball becomes dead when K1 comes into possession not within 5 yards of R's end zone. However, this is also a missed field goal attempt. Therefore 1st down to R at the spot of the kick, R40, because that's outside the R20.

CFL & Football Canada: Touching by R of the kick on K's side of R's line of scrimmage does not put members of K onside. Unless K1 was onside for other reasons, K1's touching of the ball is offside touching, penalized as "no yards" rather than as offside pass. Ball is not dead when recovered, but becomes dead when it would otherwise. Assuming K1 was offside, 1st down to R 15 yards in advance of the spot of touching of the kick.

Fed: Touching by R in or on K's side of expanded neutral zone ignored. 1st down to R at spot of first touching by K1.

NCAA: Touching by R in or on K's side of neutral zone ignored. 1st down to R at previous spot, missed FG attempt.

In all cases, it would take first touching by R on R's side of the neutral zone (or expanded neutral zone) to make K eligible to recover (put K onside) and retain team possession. The first touching principles still apply as for any scrimmage kick, and in those codes that use the missed field goal concept, it applies as well. Only in rugby (Union or League) does partial blocking of an opponent's kick put kicking team players onside.


Last edited by Robert Goodman; Mon Apr 30, 2007 at 11:37pm.
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