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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 22, 2005, 10:17am
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7th grade, three man crew....The A game was won on last play of game. B game consists of each team running 10 consecutive plays on offense. Visitors do their thing. Ten and out, I think. Home gets the ball, lines up on the 30- WHOOSH! 70 yard play for TD. Play #2, line up on 30- WHOOSH! 70 yard play for TD. Play #3, line up on 30- WHOOSH! 70 yard play for TD. okay, getting tired and grumpy by now.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 22, 2005, 02:04pm
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Re: Dumb Captains

Originally posted by Suudy
We had a game where the perennial powerhouse was coming to play the perennial doormat. The visitors won the toss. Before the WH could give the options they said "We want to kick." The WH told them to slow down, "Here are your options: defer, receive, kick, or defend a goal." Again, "We want to kick." The WH said, "Do you understand your choices? You can DEFER, RECEIVE," and with much less emphasis, "kick or defend a goal." Again, "We want to kick." The WH says, "Ok."

So along comes the second half. The home team has choice and chooses to receive. When the visiting coach hears they are kicking off twice he goes ballistic. We tell him that his kids chose to kick in the first half, his eyes went wide and then he turned and grabbed his captains. He made them do bear crawls from the behind the bench for half the 3rd quarter.

Sometimes no amount of hints will get through to some kids.
I had this happen last week and I simply said to the captain -- "you realize that you will then kick both halves."

Sorry, I don't believe in punishing teams this way unless that's what they really want.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 22, 2005, 03:03pm
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Re: Re: Dumb Captains

Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by Suudy
We had a game where the perennial powerhouse was coming to play the perennial doormat. The visitors won the toss. Before the WH could give the options they said "We want to kick." The WH told them to slow down, "Here are your options: defer, receive, kick, or defend a goal." Again, "We want to kick." The WH said, "Do you understand your choices? You can DEFER, RECEIVE," and with much less emphasis, "kick or defend a goal." Again, "We want to kick." The WH says, "Ok."

So along comes the second half. The home team has choice and chooses to receive. When the visiting coach hears they are kicking off twice he goes ballistic. We tell him that his kids chose to kick in the first half, his eyes went wide and then he turned and grabbed his captains. He made them do bear crawls from the behind the bench for half the 3rd quarter.

Sometimes no amount of hints will get through to some kids.
I had this happen last week and I simply said to the captain -- "you realize that you will then kick both halves."

Sorry, I don't believe in punishing teams this way unless that's what they really want.
First game out we had the same scenario. Coin toss winner elects to 'Kick'. WH says, "You say you want to Defer or receive?". "No, we'll kick."

WH tells well-known coach about it and HC says, I'll kick his @ss for that! LMAO.

Come start of the 2nd half, coin-toss loser's get choice. "We'll kick" they say. Go figure, eh....

Our biggest attempt at translating comes when you ask the team which goal they want to defend and they simply point and say, "That way".

Which way??? You want to GO that way or DEFEND that way??? Then they go into a confernece with each other and eventually start looking to the sidelines for help. Sometimes that's longer than the introduction and coin toss.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 22, 2005, 06:21pm
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Re: Re: Dumb Captains

Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
I had this happen last week and I simply said to the captain -- "you realize that you will then kick both halves."

Sorry, I don't believe in punishing teams this way unless that's what they really want.
In Jr high, Frosh, or JV, sure. We do everything we can to help. In Varsity, we expect more from them. Besides, I thought asking him three times--once after asking him to think , and once more with emphasis on defer or receive--would make it obvious the choice to kick was a dumb one.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 22, 2005, 11:23pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Dumb Captains

Originally posted by Suudy
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
I had this happen last week and I simply said to the captain -- "you realize that you will then kick both halves."

Sorry, I don't believe in punishing teams this way unless that's what they really want.
In Jr high, Frosh, or JV, sure. We do everything we can to help. In Varsity, we expect more from them. Besides, I thought asking him three times--once after asking him to think , and once more with emphasis on defer or receive--would make it obvious the choice to kick was a dumb one.
At any level, I don't think it is inappropriate to say, "if you elect to kick, you will be kicking both halves." Plus, if they elect to kick, the other team also dictates which way they will kick, cuz they will say, "we will defend this goal." Talk about taking it in the shorts.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 23, 2005, 06:25am
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Just a question on mechanics - do you signal that the team that won the toss has deferred prior to getting the other team's choice?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 23, 2005, 06:40am
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it really doesn't matter all that much if you signal deferred before you know the other team's decision. Simply pause to go ask and then signal their choice. This is the way I've done it and the way I've seen it done most.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri Sep 23, 2005, 06:53am
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Re: Mechanics?

Originally posted by waltjp
Just a question on mechanics - do you signal that the team that won the toss has deferred prior to getting the other team's choice?
By the mechanics book, yes. You signal before you ask the other team.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 24, 2005, 10:06am
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Working chain crew, we had the following things happen last night.

First, similar to before but to a coach, the HL reminded him that "I don't call your plays, don't call my penalties."

Second, after a somewhat confusing end of a play, the home team acted as though they were pulling flags out of the belts and calling for "Challenge, challenge!" HL responded: "No instant replay at this level. You see any cameras?" Team pointed out two guys with camcorders 30 yards away recording the game for the school's homecoming.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 24, 2005, 11:47am
MJT MJT is offline
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I do not, because I think it looks smoother if you get all the information and go from there. If they defer, I will get the other information, have them put their backs to their goals, tap the shoulder of the winning team and give the defer signal. I then go to the other team and signal that they will receive. It works well and looks smooth, with no delay between signals.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 25, 2005, 02:58pm
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I'm sure everyone has a guy like this in you association. Gets just a little excited and studders when reporting a foul. Friday night he had a flag down, came together and he says "I-I-I got a face mask". I ask him 5 or 15? He starts studdering again, with the blanketest look on his face and says "I didn't get a number".

The rest of the crew did not hear this ... until the trip home!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 27, 2005, 12:24pm
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From an assistant coach last Friday night: Player on defense comes diving into a pile late. R throws the flag for unnecessary roughness. Player on offense in the pile gets up and throws a punch at defensive player. Three additional flags come flying in. R and LJ(me) go to tell head coach that his player is ejected for fighting. Asst. Coach goes bizerk. Keeps asking why the other player is not ejected. Explain that the penalty on the offense was for a late hit and not for fighting. His quote back to us-"Do you just expect my player not to retaliate after getting hit". Our answer was of course "yes". My respect level for this coach went to zero quite quickly.

But it gets better. Later in the game (4th qtr), the U sends a offensive player off because he has an open cut that is bleeding on his arm. Same Asst. Coach goes bizerk again. Says he cannot believe that we sent him off, it is freakin' (and he did use freakin') football for goodness sake. Turned around and told the coach that I had had enough. Fortunately, the head coach (very classy)ushered him away from me (for the rest of the game) while explaining to the coach loud enough for me and the sideline to hear that it was a rule that he had to come out and that we were just doing our job.

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