From an assistant coach last Friday night: Player on defense comes diving into a pile late. R throws the flag for unnecessary roughness. Player on offense in the pile gets up and throws a punch at defensive player. Three additional flags come flying in. R and LJ(me) go to tell head coach that his player is ejected for fighting. Asst. Coach goes bizerk. Keeps asking why the other player is not ejected. Explain that the penalty on the offense was for a late hit and not for fighting. His quote back to us-"Do you just expect my player not to retaliate after getting hit". Our answer was of course "yes". My respect level for this coach went to zero quite quickly.
But it gets better. Later in the game (4th qtr), the U sends a offensive player off because he has an open cut that is bleeding on his arm. Same Asst. Coach goes bizerk again. Says he cannot believe that we sent him off, it is freakin' (and he did use freakin') football for goodness sake. Turned around and told the coach that I had had enough. Fortunately, the head coach (very classy)ushered him away from me (for the rest of the game) while explaining to the coach loud enough for me and the sideline to hear that it was a rule that he had to come out and that we were just doing our job.