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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 22, 2004, 09:50pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 81

On a field goal attempt (4th and 3), snapped from R's 13 with the holder on the 20, the snap is muffed. The ball is falling off the tee when the kicker does kick it through the uprights.

Is this an illegal kick, and, if so, what are the penalty options given to R?

What if the ball did not go through the uprights, but instead bounced into the end zone and K2 recovered in R's endzone? Is the result of the play a TD, for penalty admin purposes? If a whistle sounds when the illegally kicked ball crossed the goal line, would this be an inadvertent whistle, and if so, what options would you give K?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 22, 2004, 10:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 2,557
Originally posted by rdfox

On a field goal attempt (4th and 3), snapped from R's 13 with the holder on the 20, the snap is muffed. The ball is falling off the tee when the kicker does kick it through the uprights.

Is this an illegal kick, and, if so, what are the penalty options given to R?

What if the ball did not go through the uprights, but instead bounced into the end zone and K2 recovered in R's endzone? Is the result of the play a TD, for penalty admin purposes? If a whistle sounds when the illegally kicked ball crossed the goal line, would this be an inadvertent whistle, and if so, what options would you give K?
Sounds like a legal fieldgo, chaulk up the points.

If the kick enters the endzone we have a touchback, anytime a kick enters R's endzone it is automatically a touchback.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 08:21am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 140
On a field goal or try, the ball must be controlled by a team mate of the kicker or drop kicked. Since the ball is falling off the tee, it is an illegal kick. Treat it as a fumble.

If it goes into and out of the EZ, R has the choice of the results of the play, TB, or penalize K from the previous spot 15 yards and replay 4th down.

If ball enters the EZ and is recovered by R, they can down it for a TB or run it out. They still have the option of the results of the play or penalize K and replay the down.

If K recovers in the EZ, it is a TD until R accepts the penalty for the illegal kick.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 08:36am
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 42
I got all that.

But I think the most important one is, Do the R's have the option of taking the touchback if the ball crosses through the uprights on an illegal kick?

Don't have the book, or really can't fall back on a rule, but I would say whether the ball crosses through the uprights is superfulous. I think R's have the option of result of the play (touchback) either way!

My only bases is the ball i streated as a fumble on all illegal kicks.

What have you got to day about that?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 08:44am
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Location: Cheyenne, wyoming
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don't go looking

Don't go looking for trouble...I am with Snake Eyes on this... call it a field goal or a touchback and go about your business...the intent of the rule is to keep someone from kicking a loose ball or punt through the uprights for 3 pts. It isn't to penalize the kicking team who is muffing the ball. The fact that it is on the tee means they controlled it somewhat so make it what it is...a field least in my game thats what we will have... remember good officials aren't judged on the calls they make they are judged on the calls they don't make...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 09:01am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
I agree that if they can kick it off the tee and get it between the uprights, it's a field goal. Do we check if the ball is actually straight up on a drop kick before we determine if they can kick it? No, so same line of reasoning.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 09:23am
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 140
Re: don't go looking

Originally posted by cmathews
Don't go looking for trouble...I am with Snake Eyes on this... call it a field goal or a touchback and go about your business...the intent of the rule is to keep someone from kicking a loose ball or punt through the uprights for 3 pts. It isn't to penalize the kicking team who is muffing the ball. The fact that it is on the tee means they controlled it somewhat so make it what it is...a field least in my game thats what we will have... remember good officials aren't judged on the calls they make they are judged on the calls they don't make...
I agree 100%. My reply was making the assumption thet the covering official has judged that K kicked a loose ball. To me, if the holder is touching the ball anywhere, anyway, even if it is not on the tee (which is not required), he is controlling it. The rules do not specify how much control he is required to have.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 07:46pm
Fav theme: Roundball Rock
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
Posts: 8,558
Lightbulb Canadian Ruling

Originally posted by rdfox

On a field goal attempt (4th and 3), snapped from R's 13 with the holder on the 20, the snap is muffed. The ball is falling off the tee when the kicker does kick it through the uprights.

Is this an illegal kick, and, if so, what are the penalty options given to R?

What if the ball did not go through the uprights, but instead bounced into the end zone and K2 recovered in R's endzone? Is the result of the play a TD, for penalty admin purposes? If a whistle sounds when the illegally kicked ball crossed the goal line, would this be an inadvertent whistle, and if so, what options would you give K?
Legal attempt.

If good, score 3 points.

Missed FGA are treated as punts. If K2 is onside, score a TD. If K2 was offside and no R players are within 5 yards of the ball, score a TD. If K2 was offside and there were R players within 5 yards of the ball, we have a restraining zone foul, award R the ball at the 15, or the 25 for OUA.
Pope Francis
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