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Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 09:23am
jack015 jack015 is offline
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Re: don't go looking

Originally posted by cmathews
Don't go looking for trouble...I am with Snake Eyes on this... call it a field goal or a touchback and go about your business...the intent of the rule is to keep someone from kicking a loose ball or punt through the uprights for 3 pts. It isn't to penalize the kicking team who is muffing the ball. The fact that it is on the tee means they controlled it somewhat so make it what it is...a field least in my game thats what we will have... remember good officials aren't judged on the calls they make they are judged on the calls they don't make...
I agree 100%. My reply was making the assumption thet the covering official has judged that K kicked a loose ball. To me, if the holder is touching the ball anywhere, anyway, even if it is not on the tee (which is not required), he is controlling it. The rules do not specify how much control he is required to have.
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