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Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 08:21am
jack015 jack015 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 140
On a field goal or try, the ball must be controlled by a team mate of the kicker or drop kicked. Since the ball is falling off the tee, it is an illegal kick. Treat it as a fumble.

If it goes into and out of the EZ, R has the choice of the results of the play, TB, or penalize K from the previous spot 15 yards and replay 4th down.

If ball enters the EZ and is recovered by R, they can down it for a TB or run it out. They still have the option of the results of the play or penalize K and replay the down.

If K recovers in the EZ, it is a TD until R accepts the penalty for the illegal kick.
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