Originally Posted by CT1
"Actions or verbiage designed to confuse the defense into believing there is problem and a snap isn't imminent is beyond the scope of sportsmanship and is illegal."
Strictly looking at the language, the "and" is critical. There isn't a particular problem with this situation. Think if Peyton Manning steps back from under center, starts yelling his usual nonsense, and the ball is snapped to a running back. There is no problem that would lead the defense to think that the snap may not be imminent. The offense is in a legal formation with one player legally in motion. One player legally has his hand(s) on the ball, able to snap.
I hate "wrong ball" plays that end up on Facebook this time of year as much as everyone here, but this doesn't
necessarily sound like one of them.
Could be, depending on what he's saying. But not necessarily.