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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2014, 01:55pm
This IS My Social Life
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Association Matters

For any involved in administration of your local officials association:
Associations can sometimes get "stuck in a rut", maintaining a "that's always how we've done it" posture. One result might be missing out on opportunities about which current officers and members are unaware. Another might be a gradual adoption of activities and concerns that detract from the good of the association.
One seemingly healthy pursuit for an association to undertake might be a periodic "self-study" or an analysis by a task force utilizing both internal and external individuals, perhaps for the purpose of refocusing, redirecting, and maybe proposing recommendations to the association in order to get better at what it does or should be doing.
QUESTION: Anybody have anything to share regarding the concept of developing and conducting a "self-study" or something like that for your local association? (NASO-ON doesn't seem to have anything on this) I'd appreciate your ideas. A worthy topic, but feel free to PM me if you want if you don't think it's worthy of a thread.
Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 14, 2014, 02:25pm
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The best way to change the direction of and association is to have an election and vote in new people. Then that gives the opportunity to have new ideas. I know being a member of an association we are often hamstrung by the Constitution, but the other things we do are often done by the Executive Board members or committee members. The newer the board or committee members are, the more likely you will have new ideas raised. I do not think there is any one solution as to have new people bring newer ideas.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 15, 2014, 08:04am
This IS My Social Life
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
The best way to change the direction of and association is to have an election and vote in new people. Then that gives the opportunity to have new ideas. I know being a member of an association we are often hamstrung by the Constitution, but the other things we do are often done by the Executive Board members or committee members. The newer the board or committee members are, the more likely you will have new ideas raised. I do not think there is any one solution as to have new people bring newer ideas.

The issue arises when "new people" come in and endeavor to move the group to improve. Often that is done by fiat or dictatorial decision, which works to an extent before meeting with resistance. Such "change" is usually flash-in-a-pan oriented, often dependent upon the personalities and preferences of a few. Valued, lasting change seems to come from leadership helping the group toward change rather than just the leadership changing. It's on this basis that I was wondering if anyone out there has tried anything innovative in this regard.
"Self-Study" is one approach, and an organizational "S.W.O.T." analysis seems to be another. These are popular with non-profit organizations and there are tons of resources on the internet to guide an association through the process. I was just curious whether any other associations have anything to share on this topic. If not, the alternative I might investigate is to see if the above strategies are able to be modified and applied to our local group.
I've been through these things with other non-officiating entities in the past (churches, schools, corporate departments) and it was beneficial. Maybe you have, too?
Will see if the idea has merit if/when I propose it to our board.
Though the responses have been sparse, thanx for your consideration of this topic.
Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call

Last edited by Freddy; Thu May 15, 2014 at 08:10am.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 20, 2014, 04:29pm
This IS My Social Life
Join Date: Dec 2007
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For Anyone Geeky Enough to Care...

No resources exist that I could find regarding the topic of this thread. Should this be considered a valued exercise, something like this -- adapted from various non-officiating entities -- might at least be a starting point for an association to discuss . . .

Fruit Belt Officials Association Self-Study -- Concept

Rationale: Any association of individuals, in time, in spite of the dedicated, loyal efforts and dedication of leaders and members alike, can benefit from a thorough analysis of “what it’s doing”, “where it’s at”, and “where it’s going.” That's when a "self-study" can serve a group well. A “self-study” is an internally directed project facilitating both internal and external resources by which the association can examine itself and make plans for improvement in the context of its established purpose and objectives, the needs of those it serves, and the changing circumstances surrounding it. Opportunities otherwise unknown to the group commonly lie hidden, able to be revealed only by mining the depths of the minds of everyone involved, or by considering the perspectives of concerned outsiders looking in. “That’s the way we’ve always done it”, even though those ways of doing things are beneficially right-minded, may deprive the association of new ways of doing things and new things to undertake and endeavor. For these and other constructive reasons, a detailed and indepth “self-study” can help prepare members, leaders, and the association as a whole for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in keeping with their stated purpose and objectives.

Particular steps of such a “self-study” might be:

1. A preliminary task force selected by the Board develops or adopts a self-study process
2. The Self-Study Plan forwarded to the Board for revision and refinement
3. Self-Study Plan proposed to members for approval
4. Board selects Self-Study Task Force:
2 active members of the FBOA (non-Board members)
2 moderately active members of the FBOA
1 area athletic director
1 area boys coach
1 area girls coach
1 area non-member businessman/woman
1 area fan
1 member of another local officials association
5. Board meets to conduct a SWOT analysis (perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
6. Board facilitates a SWOT analysis by the members at a general meeting
7. Synthesis of SWOT analyses forwarded to the Task Force for consideration
8. The Task Force, familiarized with the association’s bylaws, analyzes the results of the SWOT analyses, conducts whatever surveys and interviews with members, board members, and trainers it deems necessary, then formulates recommendations for suggest areas of improvement to the board
9. Task Force reports their findings and recommendations to the membership
10. Members vote on recommendations to be forwarded to the board in order of perceived significance
11. Board studies recommendations for adoption, tabling, or rejecting
12. Board reports back to the members the action plan for initiating adopted recommendations
Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 20, 2014, 08:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
The best way to change the direction of and association is to have an election and vote in new people. Then that gives the opportunity to have new ideas. I know being a member of an association we are often hamstrung by the Constitution, but the other things we do are often done by the Executive Board members or committee members. The newer the board or committee members are, the more likely you will have new ideas raised. I do not think there is any one solution as to have new people bring newer ideas.
Couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
The issue arises when "new people" come in and endeavor to move the group to improve. Often that is done by fiat or dictatorial decision, which works to an extent before meeting with resistance. Such "change" is usually flash-in-a-pan oriented, often dependent upon the personalities and preferences of a few. Valued, lasting change seems to come from leadership helping the group toward change rather than just the leadership changing. It's on this basis that I was wondering if anyone out there has tried anything innovative in this regard.
Couldn't disagree more.

When leadership is stale and has fallen into a complacent rut, the best alternative is change.
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