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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 04:57pm
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Travesty or Travel...

...or something in between.

I will pose a question to the forum...and after some responses, I will tell you about a situation that happened to me and my crew in an 8th grade B game.

I will also state to you how I plan on NOT being after the game AGAIN.


Coach A tells official, prior to the game, that he has a player that has Down's Syndrome. Coach A states that he would like the officials to relax the travel call on said player. Coach A goes on to explain how another team "exhibited poor sportsmenship" by passing the ball to the player that the DS kid was guarding...thus, allowing the player with the ball to score "easily". (The DS boy did not have a clue how to guard an offensive player.)

Coach wants special privledges for this "special" player.

OK bigtimer...whatta ya do?
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 05:08pm
APG APG is offline
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What exactly would the coach of A want us to do about B taking advantage of their personnel on the floor? Team B is under no obligation to oblige for any player.
Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, given a chance to climb, they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions.

Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 05:33pm
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Nothing. Our job is to enforce the rules. If a coach puts a player out there, we are to treat him like any other player. No exceptions for special cases.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 05:49pm
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I've seen this happen a time or two in my career...not so much the coach asking for slack but where a team has put in a player that was clearly not a typical player. Recognizing that and the fact that the game wasn't close, and it being very obvious that the kid wasn't getting any advantage at all and wasn't going to change the outcome. I chose to be particularly lenient on the kid....3 steps, 4, even 5...keep playing. I think he shot the ball once or twice and it wan't anywhere near going in. Eventually, I'd have to call something if it went too far, but it didn't get that far. It was usually, just shuffling the feet around while he was trying to figure out what to do with the ball.

After not calling anything on the first situation in that game, I noticed the other coach nodding his approval with the situation and the kid's coach nodding a thank you. These were two very small Christian schools who were both interested in playing but were more interested in character and sportsmanship.

I'd have a similar thing happen a few other times too. In every case, once I realize the player isn't doing anything that will have any impact, I treat it the same. One a few occasions, I've had players on the other team initially object but a very quick and quiet word made them aware of what was really going on and their good character let the situation be.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 06:19pm
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Wiggle Room ...

Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
Our job is to enforce the rules. If a coach puts a player out there, we are to treat him like any other player. No exceptions for special cases.

3-5-1 Note Each state association may, in keeping with applicable laws, authorize
exceptions to NFHS playing rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual
participants with disabilities and/or special needs, as well as those individuals with
unique and extenuating circumstances. The accommodations should not fundamentally
alter the sport heighten risk to the athlete/others or place opponents at a disadvantage.

The NFHS recognizes the need to accommodate individual participants with disabilities, or special needs. Some may wait for their state association to make some type of ruling (per 3-5-1 Note), but others may allow the officials, coaches, and administrators, at the game site, to get together and make some reasonable accommodations that won't impact the game. Put me in the later group, but I would have no problem if anyone wants to be in the former group.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sat Nov 16, 2013 at 06:22pm.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 06:41pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
reasonable accommodations
1. What does this mean? Does this mean provide accommodations so that these players may participate? Does it mean call the game easier on them? Both? My guess is the first.

2. My state association has not authorized any exceptions I know of

3. Regardless of if I am instructed to call the game easier on these players, I can do nothing to prevent an opposing coach from attacking that player. Not my prerogative. As above... "Team B is under no obligation to oblige for any player".
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:27pm
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I would have mentioned it to the coach of the other team, that way when the inevitable travel or double-dribble occurs, there is no argument.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:30pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
The accommodations should not fundamentally
alter the sport
Great find Billy.

Here is what happened:

The special needs player, from Team A, was substituted into the game with around 3 minutes left in the contest.

Team A had fought their way back into the game after being down by 12 points.

Around 2 minutes to go... the special needs player, A1, found himself now holding onto the ball in frontcourt. Player B1 looked like he wanted to take the ball but thought better of it and just stood there in a defensive position.

With the clock winding down...A1 decided to take off running (more like shuffling) toward the basket. A1 did not even attempt to dribble...he just shuffled toward the basket from the C's side (me). He went about 8' and stopped. Then he turned around and started "running" 8' back up to the top of the key on my side, C...yes we were doing 3-whistle training. A1 then stopped for a second time, and after a couple seconds, decided to "run" back toward the endline....this tiime about 10'. A1 stopped again...and for the 4th time started to "run" into the middle of the key. Before he could stop and do it all over again...I nailed him with the travel....good strong whistle, sharp mechanics, and away we went.

Coach A pulled A1 from the game...and his chance for glory was over. He looked very upset and agitated as he sat out the remainder of the game on the bench.
And, of course, I felt terrible for the boy.

Team A never completed their come back...and lost the game.

(Why in the He!! did Coach A wait untill the 4th quarter, of a tight game, to put the special needs player in, and THEN GIVE HIM THE BALL? I think he set him up to fail...but, that's just me. Why not let him play in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd quarters?)

...there is more, but I am interested to see your responses to the game action, before I go there.

P.S. I think I have a "cure" for this feeling I have...I'll tell you later what it is.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:33pm
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Honestly, I'll pick up on the disability on my own and adjust. I won't bother addressing it with the other coach unless he starts to whine.

As for hoping the other coach doesn't take advantage of the mismatch, that's not my job. The lesson he wants to teach his players is on him.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:36pm
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Dan, I probably would have done it the same way you did.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:39pm
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Originally Posted by RookieDude View Post
I will also state to you how I plan on NOT being after the game AGAIN.
Originally Posted by RookieDude View Post
P.S. I think I have a "cure" for this feeling I have...I'll tell you later what it is.
Dude, stop being cryptic...just spit it out.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:41pm
beware big brother
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I think I would call a travel earlier. The coach from team A needs to pick his spots to use this player better. In a game that is close towards the end I would have a hard time ignoring such blatant violations. As far as the other team running plays for the person that is being guarded by the player with the disability, that is on them. Nothing we can do to prevent that.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:43pm
APG APG is offline
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In an 8th grade game, I can over looked a step or two...I can't see myself overlooking a player running with the ball for 8' once...much less 2 or more times.
Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, given a chance to climb, they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions.

Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 07:44pm
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Originally Posted by BryanV21 View Post
I would have mentioned it to the coach of the other team, that way when the inevitable travel or double-dribble occurs, there is no argument.

You read my mind.

I was to lazy/complacent/busy training/blah blah blah...too do exactly that!

And that is my "CURE".

Get both coaches together PRIOR TO THE GAME...and discuss exactly what THEY want to do. Here is one instance where they are going to determine what "ACCOMODATIONS" we will "PROVIDE".

If one Coach does not want a player running all over the court, without even attempting to dribble...that is what we shall do....The Coach that says, "no way"... will now be the "bad guy"...because BOTH COACHES will have to agree... It is now up to them. They BOTH MAY alter the rules, kind of like THEIR rule of no "PRESSING IN THE BACK COURT".

I have talked all this over with my assigner...and he agrees...let the coaches decide together what THEY want to do. It's on them.

I will also be notifying our association, via email and at the next meeting, of what "procedure" to use.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2013, 08:29pm
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Originally Posted by AremRed View Post
Dude, stop being cryptic...just spit it out.
LOL....OK, OK,

1) I am at work...typing when I get a chance.

2) I wanted to hear from Adam and Camron before I "spit it out".

3) I wanted to tease cryptic...or something like that.

After the game...I was getting my coat...getting the "nice job" stuff from the table and other coach...when Coach A started in on me...

"I hope you sleep well tonight...I can't believe it...calling travel on a Down's Syndrome kid...I hope you sleep well..."

He kept repeating that line about half a dozen times.

One of my partners came up and said, "let's just walk away"...but, I wouldn't...I felt bad and for some reason I was going to get this resolved.

I calmly told the coach that I misunderstood what he wanted. I thought that he DIDN'T WANT THE BOY TO WALK ALL OVER THE PLACE. I calmly apologized, told him I was sorry...told him again, that I misunderstood.

He ended up shaking my hand, accepted my apology, and that was it.

I felt I was in a NO WIN SITUATION. If you knew would know that I don't usually take ANY garbage from a M.S. coach...I even surprised myself...but, it didn't hurt me to eat some crow...and in a way, I agree with the coach. (As long as the other coach is on board)

Thus, our new procedure.

Get both Coaches to agree on what they want in these SPECIAL situations.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA
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