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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 14, 2013, 04:29pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
The primary reason for the NFHS to be different is that they fund their operations through the sales of their rules books. All of the educational goals could be met just the same if they just adopted in total the entire NCAA or NBA rule set. But, they'd lose their revenue stream.

That brings up the question of whether the NFHS in its current form is even justified if they can only operate through a forced artificial revenue stream. Is all of what they're doing serving a valid and necessary purpose or is it just a big boondoggle.
As I said I think APG said it best as to why I think rules in the NBA would not be appropriate for an educational environment. We already have enough problems with basic rules at the NCAA level when small college rules apply, I would not want to see the RA, shot clock, technical foul application or coaching box restrictions all to be applied to high school coaches or students. Now that coach that cursed you out at the first T now gets to stand and better yet the language that is acceptable at the college level would not be acceptable at the high school level for the most obvious reasons. And you want the rules to be the same? OK, good luck with that.

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
As an example, take soccer...same rules for kids of all ages from kindergarten all the way to the pros but the NCAA and NFHS inject theirs in the middle when it is a HS or NCAA game. If the same rules work for 8 year old Johnny and Suzy as works for Pele or Messi in soccer, basketball could easily do the same. In fact, FIBA is making efforts to be more in line with the US rule sets rather than striving to be different.
That is great, but in football where there is many more safety rules and many more situations I would not want to see NCAA Rules apply to high school players. Heck just simply the rules on BBW and when a block is a cutback block or not. No way I would want a 15 year old that does not know how to read an play to now have to worry about getting cut at the knees or ankles as apart of playing the game. And then have 5 officials as opposed to 7 cover that play. In 7 person mechanics we can watch one guy most of a play to see if these kinds of situations are legal or not. And in baseball there is a very good reason the FPSR is different at the college level then the high school level. And the pros have no such rule at all. I do not think MLB would like a FPSR apply to their game. So if you are going to use other sports as an example for what basketball should do, at least know the challenges of those other sports. And this is would all be done in places that do not on a regular basis hire the same amount of officials to cover these many variable plays. Heck we cannot even get most of the country to have 3 officials on all games. Heck working 3 is common in my area, but many here never see that kind of assignments.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 14, 2013, 04:44pm
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Our kids soccer clubs around here, and all over Oregon as AFAIK, use FIFA game rules. They do have different size fields and lengths of games and sometimes add minor modifications (slide tackles are not permitted at the younger rec levels) but the base rule book is the FIFA book. If your area is doing something different, it isn't because they need to, just that someone wants to.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 14, 2013, 05:00pm
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,533
Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Our kids soccer clubs around here, and all over Oregon as AFAIK, use FIFA game rules. They do have different size fields and lengths of games and sometimes add minor modifications (slide tackles are not permitted at the younger rec levels) but the base rule book is the FIFA book. If your area is doing something different, it isn't because they need to, just that someone wants to.
You could say the same for Pop Warner or Bill George Football. They use NF rules but modify rules for "striper rules" or other rules do not and should not apply to kids below high school ages.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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