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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 05:10pm
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Originally posted by CLAY
I was not criticising the official during the basketball game. I do not yell at officials at anytime and have pointed it out to other people in the stands that verbal abuse to officials is unexceptable. But still stand by my comment, a college officials can not make the adjustment from college to high school.
If you are merely standing by the opinion you expressed on this board - hey, it's a discussion board, it's your opinion. If you are standing by having made a public criticial comment of your fellow officials, even if to a table person after the game was done, you have a lot to learn. You need to stand together, even if you do not always agree.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 05:38pm
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Originally posted by zebraman
Originally posted by MN 3 Sport Ref
I'm sure Zebra will disagree w/ me on this, but they probably would not be working college ball if they were not sound officials.
Hey, I resemble that remark! I've never said that college officials aren't sound officials! I've just maintained that they are human, that they are not above reproach, and that some of them get a little lax on reading their rule books once they have "made it." I've also said that the difference between a great high school ref and a college ref is often nothing more than the fact that the college ref has made the time sacrifice of going to camps and being available for all the travel and time away from family that is required of a college ref. I have never seen a ref selected for college who sucks. :-)

I agree with you that games that have good flow between talented teams are generally only made worse by game-interrupting fouls and "micro-travels" that have no bearing on the game. I think the more experienced an official becomes, the better he/she gets at ignoring the "it doens't matter" stuff. Fans, however, never advance to that level. :-)

Z: I knew I could ruffle your stripes No offense meant. I just knew you had been voacal about the difference between HS and College officials and figured I would rile ya a little. Have a good game if ya have one I am off to mine....
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 06:39pm
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Angry Couple questions

Originally posted by CLAY
A good NCAA college official can not, and I repeat can not jump from college to high school and do the game justice. It is a different type of game and they have a hard time seperating high school from college. And if you who are college officials think you can, I say you can't.
I'm just wondering what possible basis you could have for this opinion. Have you really observed enough college officials working HS games that you can make a generalization to all NCAA officials? Is that even possible? And what does it mean to say that they can't "do the game justice"? I don't even know what you mean by that. And how can you possibly speak for the college officials who think they can? And last, but not least (as others have already mentioned), how can you possibly make such a comment in public?

Maybe you were just blowing off steam after watching your kid's game; but your posts in this thread are frankly ludicrous. I was willing to let it go when it seemed to be just a dumb joke with no thought behind it. But when you insist on making indefesible (and, I think, obviously false) statements, it gets a response from me, FWIW.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 06:42pm
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Originally posted by CLAY
I still stand with the comment, A good NCAA college official can not, and I repeat can not jump from college to high school and do the game justice. It is a different type of game and they have a hard time seperating high school from college.
I don't have a problem with your opinion,Clay.I never did,even though I don't agree with it.Personally,I think that it's a helluva lot harder to jump to college ball from high school than to go the other way.They sure are different types of games,but it is easier to adjust to the slower tempo and lesser contact of high school ball.JMO.

In both types of games though,I don't think that we,as officials, should be publically dumping on our brethren.That's my opinion,also.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 11:02pm
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Originally posted by CLAY
I was not criticising the official during the basketball game. I do not yell at officials at anytime and have pointed it out to other people in the stands that verbal abuse to officials is unexceptable. But still stand by my comment, a college officials can not make the adjustment from college to high school. I.E. the amount of hand checking,forearms,holding. And I'll take it one more step. The officials who allow the hand checking and forearms and holding in high school are want to be college officials. Some High school officials just like high school coaches, watch to much college ball. The Bottom line is the game is different.

Fouls are fouls, violations are violations, officials are officials. "Nuff" said.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 01:29am
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..things aren't always what they look like....

I call both levels and have 2 main points in this debate...

1) yes, traveling is easier to see the farther you are away from the play. I too have watched a few games officiated by my fellow officials where travels were missed. Big deal. It is part of the game.

2) and most important...not everything that "looks" like traveling is...UGLY is not traveling, NOR is merely picking up the pivot foot to pass or shoot. I was doing a 3A playoff last weekend where I heard "walk" I could have retired. A few were, and we called them, MOST were not, just "looked ugly".

"Nuff said..

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 02:31am
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Lightbulb Here is the difference.

The only difference between a college official and a HS official, one does HS and the other does college. That is it.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 11:29pm
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Posts: 130
Who won???

Originally posted by CLAY
It's one of those things that drive you crazy. The reason for that post was my son's game last night. The three guys doing the Varsity game did not have any patches on their shirts. So after the game I asked the score table who the guys where. He stated they are officials who do mostly college games. My response was so that's why they don't know a travel when they see it. It was just a total different game as to the way if was officiated. My observation was the college game is different than high school and they were having a hard time telling the difference.


Did your Son's team win??? Therefore your answer !!!!
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