Originally posted by zebraman
Originally posted by MN 3 Sport Ref
I'm sure Zebra will disagree w/ me on this, but they probably would not be working college ball if they were not sound officials.
Hey, I resemble that remark! I've never said that college officials aren't sound officials! I've just maintained that they are human, that they are not above reproach, and that some of them get a little lax on reading their rule books once they have "made it." I've also said that the difference between a great high school ref and a college ref is often nothing more than the fact that the college ref has made the time sacrifice of going to camps and being available for all the travel and time away from family that is required of a college ref. I have never seen a ref selected for college who sucks. :-)
I agree with you that games that have good flow between talented teams are generally only made worse by game-interrupting fouls and "micro-travels" that have no bearing on the game. I think the more experienced an official becomes, the better he/she gets at ignoring the "it doens't matter" stuff. Fans, however, never advance to that level. :-)
Z: I knew I could ruffle your stripes

No offense meant. I just knew you had been voacal about the difference between HS and College officials and figured I would rile ya a little. Have a good game if ya have one I am off to mine....