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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 04:26pm
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I have worked several games at an Adventist school this season. They are really vocal fans, I think more so than anywhere else I work, but I like that they give support to their teams.

However, there is one woman who consistently rides me during the game; everything I call she has to complain about--loudly, and she sits right near the floor, so I know who it is and I know what she says.

Last night, after the game (a game in which her team lost), I have my gear over near the table, and walk over to collect it, and while I am there, she says, almost under her breath, "Well, that was a bunch of crap"...I ask her, "what did you say?" and she says, "nothing"...

Question: Do I let it go, or is there anything I can do to stop her passionate harrassment?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 04:31pm
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My take on it. . .

I am principal of a Christian school myself, as well as athletic director. I know I would like to know if one of my people was conducting themselves this way so that I could address it with them. You might consider talking to the AD there.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 04:43pm
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Simple solution. Find the gym manager next time she starts making a fool of herself.

"Mr/Mrs. Gym Manager, that fan right there is definitely crossing the line of poor sportsmanship. Would you please take care of it for me?" She'll already by squirming and trying to climb under the bleachers once she sees you pointing at her (and her poor embarrassed kid might be trying to climb under a chair as well).

If the gym manager does not take care of it (or if you cannot locate the gym manager that the school is supposed to provide), file a report after the game (through the channels used in your area).

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 06:10pm
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The finger

Z-man is right...grab the head hauncho, pull him/her onto the floor, and point at the mouth in the stands. Darn near the best cure for an a--ache there is.
Reffing...the third phase of childhood.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 06:11pm
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Originally posted by zebraman
...and her poor embarrassed kid might be trying to climb under a chair as well...
Not really related story, but kinda cute. My daughter is adopted, and she is black. When she was a freshman, she played quite a bit of varsity, and of course, proud Mama didn't miss many games! One game I walked in late, adn as I was walking behind the bench, I put my hand on her shoulder and said, "Have a good game, honey." As I walked on to find a seat I heard this: The girls sitting next to her said, "Who was that?" and my daughter said, "I have no idea!" Still makes me laugh.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 08:49pm
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Re: The finger

Originally posted by theshortbaldref
Z-man is right...grab the head hauncho, pull him/her onto the floor, and point at the mouth in the stands. Darn near the best cure for an a--ache there is.
Better yet:
Tell game management quietly, please don't point and make any further scene.(you don't want to take the focus off of the game and it's participants) If it's not fixed, then contact the AD or Principal and make a report. It never makes things better when you try to take on fans all by yourself. JMHO
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 09:21pm
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Re: Re: The finger

Originally posted by oatmealqueen
Originally posted by theshortbaldref
Z-man is right...grab the head hauncho, pull him/her onto the floor, and point at the mouth in the stands. Darn near the best cure for an a--ache there is.
Better yet:
Tell game management quietly, please don't point and make any further scene.(you don't want to take the focus off of the game and it's participants) If it's not fixed, then contact the AD or Principal and make a report. It never makes things better when you try to take on fans all by yourself. JMHO
My opinion too.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 09:48pm
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I don't get your thought process. The fan has already compromised any focus or rhythm of the game. Maybe you see more than I do. I get one moron every ten games or so. All the rest you can smile at and wink. I can take it, but someone who is way out there on the fringe, ruining the game for players, coaches, me and the other FANS, will usually get pointed out. I've gotten more than one pat on the back from fans (and players) thanking me or a partner for shutting down a game-wrecker. I don't think anybody is wrong in how they approach this, but I like the head-on method. Have I ever tossed a fan out of a ballgame?? Never.
Reffing...the third phase of childhood.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 10:00pm
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Your points are well taken but...

Originally posted by theshortbaldref
I don't get your thought process. The fan has already compromised any focus or rhythm of the game. Maybe you see more than I do. I get one moron every ten games or so. All the rest you can smile at and wink. I can take it, but someone who is way out there on the fringe, ruining the game for players, coaches, me and the other FANS, will usually get pointed out. I've gotten more than one pat on the back from fans (and players) thanking me or a partner for shutting down a game-wrecker. I don't think anybody is wrong in how they approach this, but I like the head-on method. Have I ever tossed a fan out of a ballgame?? Never.
By rule, game management needs to take care of these problems.(not us) I believe that you lose focus, of your task at hand, if your head is in the stands.. even the slightest bit.
I am not in agreement with the "head on" approach. No good can come from confronting fans, even if you get "pats" from other people around.
If a fan "physically" prevents me from doing a game, then it is a different story. For all other things, I handle it by using the recommended rule of game management, or writing up the incident. Still MHO.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 10:08pm
ace ace is offline
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I have, 2 of them.

7-9 Girls game - solo on the court. One coach is ur usual ape-**** kind of coach theo ther is a board member who usually talks alot about staying off the refs but is the first to yell. Parents are usually understanding that theres only one of us out there for cross-court games. Ball is rolling - a girl dives for it and grabs the ball but kicks the bottom of out to the endline. The ball touches the line I sell it the other way coaches dont care. A dad is standing there looking at me and starting to yell. I say sir please calm down and go back to the spectator side of the court or leave the gym. He starts spouting off about how I cant make that call and I said "sir, you've said enough, thank you, please leave the facility for the remander of the day. Make any complaints to . He says want my glasses and swats the ball out of my hand. I blow my wisthle call the board memebr over and the guys daughters coach and say look guys, if he doesnt leave in 10 seconds I am calling ball game and walking out of here and reporting this whole incident with your boys support and behavior from the game to Joe. Parent leaves.

was asked not to come watch another game until summer leage.

Earlier in the season. This dad has been riding me and my partner since the 2nd quater. I give him half-time to cool down. A parent comes to me saying this guy is really ragging us down and his language is starteing to go down the whole. I say ok mam if we hear it we'll take care of it. and she leaves me and my partner. I say - i shoulda tossed him. He said - I got your back bro. And we went back out. Not too long into the 3rd quater he's yelling. I hear him say something questionable. First dead ball I turn to the entire crowd and say something along the lines of we'd like yall to set a good level of sportsmanship for the boys on the floor to follow because parents influence their children. Also this is a rec league and we're trying to let the kids have fun but at a safe and enjoyablel evel for everyone. Me and my partner take our places back on the floor. Coming down. questionable foul call while im on lead. Coming back up the court i get infront of him he say says something that was probably inappropriate and i'm sure a curse word was involved. I stop dead in my tracks and wiat for a dead ball. Ball goes through the hoop I blow my wistle and motion through a window to the rec center staff to come see and i tell the guy I have had a complaint about his behavior and his behavior is not in accordance to the rules of the league. I ask him to leave the gym. He starts saying stuff and the guy inchrage at the gym has to grab his arm and escort him out. His wife is completly embarrassed. I tell her i am sorry for the embarrassament she apologizes for his behavior and actually thanked me for showing him he cant do whatever. Rest of the game was nice and at an enjoyable volume too ....

I may be 5'8 and 16 but I can handle the adults like the best of em. Not once did i riase my voice or sweat or show any kind of expression (that I can think of)
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 10:14pm
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Originally posted by ace

I may be 5'8 and 16 but I can handle the adults like the best of em. Not once did i riase my voice or sweat or show any kind of expression (that I can think of)
Good job. Don't forget that when anyone offers you the use of their glasses to hit them with the old standby Davism, "why - they're not doing you any good".
Yom HaShoah
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 11:23pm
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Okay, I accept the fact that you lose focus when you ref...I don't. Never halt a game to deal with a halfwit. Do it during a timeout, quarter end, whenever. I guess I don't wait for the sliver to fester, I pull it out right away. I guess its the difference between moms and dads.
Reffing...the third phase of childhood.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 11:34pm
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Why so hostile?

Originally posted by theshortbaldref
Okay, I accept the fact that you lose focus when you ref...I don't. Never halt a game to deal with a halfwit. Do it during a timeout, quarter end, whenever. I guess I don't wait for the sliver to fester, I pull it out right away. I guess its the difference between moms and dads.
I never said that I lose focus, I was offering an opinion. And I really didn't care for the "moms and dads" comment. There was any need for it.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 05:06pm
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I am a Dad and I am 100% behind you. That mom vs dad comment was out of place, as is the head-on confrontation with a fan. It appears to me that some of you are more interested in one-upping your critic than in simply resolving the problem. The refs should be trying to stabilize the situation, not escalate a confrontation. There are many tools available to you. Use them - especially if you have game managment who can remove the problem. If the problem is removed without your personal involvement in a confrontational situation, you can keep to reffing the game.

No game management, well then you are going to have to deal with it. But you can still avoid direct confrontation with a fan. In one of our recent games, we had a parent that was way out of line. There is no management - it is an informal travel league where the coaches are supposed to keep things under control and refs handle the court. We have had very little trouble overall. Ref did not confront the parent - he addressed the coach and explained that the parent was supporting his team, was his responsibility. He also made it clear that the T would follow if the parent didn't control herself. Parent left the gym without further comment. Problem solved, ref kept himself to dealing with official participants in the contest, not the fans. I was impressed.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 21, 2003, 10:32pm
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Thumbs up Thanks coach

You are a class act.
By the way, I have had very few problems with fans during my officiating career.
I just don't get personally involved with that stuff.
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