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Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 11:08am
oatmealqueen oatmealqueen is offline
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Originally posted by Snaqwells
Watched the Cal-Poly vs. UC Santa Barbara game last night and the refs threw a fan (looked like a drunk student surrounded by drunk fans.) The ref stopped the game and walked to the table and told them to remove the kid, pointing to him and describing his appearance. Looked well handled to me.
The only fans I've ever removed were in a HS intramural league where I was flying solo. They were making it difficult to concentrate on the game. I'm human, sue me. Aside from that, they can't treat officials that way.

You can't *always* avoid direct confrontation; not when they initiate it.

In the NCAA game, they had fan removed, didn't comfront fan themselves. Correct procedure. Still MHO..and respectfully..I would never sue you, or say that we are not human, but we can avoid direct confrontation, because it takes two to cause a confrontation. I chose to not be confronted.
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