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Old Thu Feb 20, 2003, 04:26pm
GregAlan GregAlan is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 20
I have worked several games at an Adventist school this season. They are really vocal fans, I think more so than anywhere else I work, but I like that they give support to their teams.

However, there is one woman who consistently rides me during the game; everything I call she has to complain about--loudly, and she sits right near the floor, so I know who it is and I know what she says.

Last night, after the game (a game in which her team lost), I have my gear over near the table, and walk over to collect it, and while I am there, she says, almost under her breath, "Well, that was a bunch of crap"...I ask her, "what did you say?" and she says, "nothing"...

Question: Do I let it go, or is there anything I can do to stop her passionate harrassment?
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