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I was calling three games last night and in the beginning of the second half of the first game I pulled a muscle in my right calf. During the break between the third and fourth period a coach got me some ibuprophin and between games I put Icy Hot on it. Anything I can do to get this thing feeling better? I did survive the game. My partner said I was going to finish all three games if I had to crawl. I didn't go that far but was feeling better by the third game. BTW, all games were girls Varsity so crawling was not an option.
I know exactly what you went through, late 1st half of Boy's JV game (1st of JV/Varsity doubleheader) strained/pulled my groin. Luckily I was able to just keep moving so that it didn't tighten up on me. I was also scheduled to do 3 varsity tournament games the next day, luckily taking ibuprofen before going to sleep and before the games helped loosen me up a little and then once I was working the games it was fine. However, I don't suggest playing in a BBall game with a pulled muscle, I did that Wednesday and had a girls varsity and JV game Thursday and struggled a little bit at times.
Dont want to scare you but are you sure it is a muscle? The Achilles Tendon runs in that area. Both the wife and I ruptured ours and as you can imagine it is not fun. My case was a quick rupture. Her case was not.
In her case she first thought it was a pulled muscle. At this point it was only a tear in the tendon. After a few days rest she went jogging again and it let go after 2 blocks. If you have any doubt in your mind have it checked. |
A ortho friend gave me this routine and a trainer confirmed for pulled muscle: ice 20 min, gentle stretching 10 min, ice 20 min. Ibuprofen and good warmup and stretch before the game. This regime helped with a pulled groin during football.
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. If I went around claiming I was an emperor just because some moistened bink lobbed a scimitar at me, they would put me away. -Monty Python- |
The achilles tendon splits just above your ankle and attaches on each side of your calf muscle. Where the tendon and the muscle attach is called the gastroc. It usually feels fine after a day or two, but is subject to further injury if you don't let it heal completely for about 3-4 weeks. It is a common injury in areas where quick stops, turns and pushoffs occur (sound familiar?). I have had this injury twice, it has led to scar tissue buildup around the injured area that can restrict the blood flow to my calf muscle and cause cramps and pulls much more easily. Because of this, my BB officiating days are basically done. My legs cannot stand the constant pounding up and down a hardwood floor. Any good sports medicine doc can check you out and get you on a rehab routine. I'm not trying to alarm you, just encouraging you to get it checked out so that you can keep calling.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important! |
Sounds like a good idea. I did work some JH tonight. My legs seem fine. That is not to say that if I work a 94' floor with a team that thinks they are the HS answer to the running rebels, that I wouldn't have it happen again. My legs are sore but I didn't pull anything or feel any painful side effects of last week's injury.
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