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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 12:41pm
JLK JLK is offline
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Game last night. Home team is losing pretty bad. Vistors makes basket, H1 grabs ball and goes OOB for throw-in. However, as he is standing OOB, he bounces the ball on the court, catches it and then throws to H2.

Because of the game situation, I decided to pass on calling a violation. If the V coach would have questioned me on it, I would have told him that H1 lost control of the ball, re-gained control while still OOB and thus was allowed to finished his throw-in.

I guess I would like opinions if a throw-in violation should have been called (regardless of the situation)?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 12:45pm
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I believe this would depend somewhat upon the level. Any lower level game, and I probably don't call it. High school game, I probably do.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 12:46pm
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How about some more information. Was the defensive team pressing full court or was there no pressure on the ball? If the latter, for sure I'm passing on this call, but I will quietly tell A1 not to let it happen again.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 12:48pm
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Originally posted by JLK
However, as he is standing OOB, he bounces the ball on the court, catches it and then throws to H2.
Do you mean that he bounced it so that it bounced inbounds? If so then yes, violation. If he merely dribbled the ball OOB before passing inbounds, then no violation.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 12:49pm
JLK JLK is offline
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No backcourt press; just H1 and H2.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 12:51pm
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Originally posted by JLK
I guess I would like opinions if a throw-in violation should have been called (regardless of the situation)?
If this is 7th grade or higher, I would call this violation probably 50% of the time. Personally, If it's JV or higher, I would call it every time, regardless of situation. Unless you honestly, truely feel he fumbled the ball, I'd say you're forced to call this violation. But that's just me
Dan R.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 04:00pm
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Originally posted by JLK
Game last night. Home team is losing pretty bad. Vistors makes basket, H1 grabs ball and goes OOB for throw-in. However, as he is standing OOB, he bounces the ball on the court, catches it and then throws to H2.

Because of the game situation, I decided to pass on calling a violation. If the V coach would have questioned me on it, I would have told him that H1 lost control of the ball, re-gained control while still OOB and thus was allowed to finished his throw-in.

I guess I would like opinions if a throw-in violation should have been called (regardless of the situation)?
I think in this game and in this situation you made a great non-call. What you said "because of the game situation" sums it up for me. When you passed on this because it was going to have absolutely no effect on any part of this game, I think that was the smart thing to do. JMHO.
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 04:10pm
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Thumbs up

I agree to let it go if the game is a blowout. I did a middle school game last week that was similar. The final in girls & boys was 70+ to about 23.
The gym was so small the the top of the circle, three point line, is right next to the center circle. The area outside the out-of-bounds lines is about 12-18" depending on side or end line. The concession stand is on the side line. I had home team fans who wanted to stand on the side line. I had to stop the game about 4 different times to have those kids go sit down. I was concerned with player safety.
One of the girls was not standing OOB when she attempted a throw in after winning team scored. I lightly blew my whistle & let her know what she did wrong. Neither coach had a problem with what I did. It was easy to see the kid did not have a clue.
I hate doing games like with a 20+ point margin of victory let alone 50+.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 07:36am
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You will find that many officials make calls or non-calls that are score dependent. I personally use a 20 point rule in HS. If the team is down by 20 or more and commits a violation (travel, toe on the line, bounces the ball as you described on a throw-in, etc.), I don't call it. Of course, I have two other idiots out there with me who probably will.
PS My game tonight, the coach of the team that is winning by 30+ tells me, "Their screens are horrible! Watch that." My thought (to myself) was "So is everything else they do." I didn't call an illegal screen the whole game.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 07:59am
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You have a violation here no matter what level or the game situation. We are not talking about a simple slip of the pivot foot 1/4inch, or was the hand really facing the ceiling. And if it was, did he gain any advantage.

From my read of the statement, you had a player with control of the ball before he went OOB to throw it back in. Even if he lost control of it after he was OOB it hit the court and came back and he caused the ball to be OOB. What happens the next time when it counts? When there is pressure or when the game is close and he is called on it?

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 12:10pm
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Originally posted by Nevadaref
You will find that many officials make calls or non-calls that are score dependent. I personally use a 20 point rule in HS. If the team is down by 20 or more and commits a violation (travel, toe on the line, bounces the ball as you described on a throw-in, etc.), I don't call it. Of course, I have two other idiots out there with me who probably will.
1)Do you combine your "20 point rule" with any specific amount of time remaining in the game,Nevada? I've had teams come from further back to either win,or make it a competitive game again.
2)"two other IDIOTS out there with me"?? You are kidding,aren't you?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 12:34pm
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No-call was the right call. Common sense will take you to the higher levels. Officials forget that the game is not about us. We are not the focus of the game. When a team is getting blown out it justs adds insult to injury and increases the frustration level of that coach if you do call this violation. It is the same as warning a coach prior to giving a technical foul...why yell the warning and show up a coach. We are professionals and we need to conduct our business in the best interest of the game. Situational officiating will keep you out of trouble as well as get you into trouble. The idea is too manage the game as a whole.

Just my idea
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 12:52pm
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Originally posted by kmref
No-call was the right call. Common sense will take you to the higher levels.
Unfortunately, this type of violation is to called at the higher levels regardless of score or backcourt pressure. A few years ago, I believe in an NCAA tourney game, the Trail official did NOT call a throw-in violation when the inbounder stepped onto the court before releasing the throw-in. He didn't call it b/c the game was a blowout. But everybody in the place saw it, and a directive came down to call the throw-in violation.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 12:52pm
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Originally posted
The gym was so small the the top of the circle, three point line, is right next to the center circle.
that's not small -- I remember playing on courts where they overlapped . . .
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 01:19pm
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Originally posted by RecRef
You have a violation here no matter what level or the game situation. We are not talking about a simple slip of the pivot foot 1/4inch, or was the hand really facing the ceiling. And if it was, did he gain any advantage.

From my read of the statement, you had a player with control of the ball before he went OOB to throw it back in. Even if he lost control of it after he was OOB it hit the court and came back and he caused the ball to be OOB. What happens the next time when it counts? When there is pressure or when the game is close and he is called on it?

What happens next time? You call it, that's what. Simple as that. If you want to call it, be my guest, you'll be one of the guys nevadaref is calling an idiot and we've all worked with them. I know it's a different sport but I had an experienced white hat call a penalty on a team for equipment, kid only had one of the straps fastened on one side of the helmet, they were losing by 55-0 with 2 minutes left, 3rd and 1, about to get their first first down of the game, now you don't think i will look at him as an idiot for the rest of my life do you?
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"
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