Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
1)Do you combine your "20 point rule" with any specific amount of time remaining in the game,Nevada? I've had teams come from further back to either win,or make it a competitive game again.
JR, You will be happy to know that yes I certainly do consider the amount of time remaining. I don't have a hard and fast amount of time that I follow, but I just use my judgment. Also in Nevada we have so few teams that I have usually seen the team a couple of times already and know if they can come back or not.
For example, in the UMass v. UConn game last night I would have continued to call the game straight up.
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
2)"two other IDIOTS out there with me"??
Being playful here and notice that I did include myself in this statement. But especially with 3-man, how many times have you passed on something intentionally only to have one of your partners run in and call it? A pregame statement I use is "Let's give each other the benefit of the doubt on something in your own area. Let's believe that it was passed on, not missed!" Of course, that being said we do help each other when we need it or the play is just an OH MY THAT NEEDS TO BE CALLED!!!