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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 01:21pm
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Join Date: Apr 2001
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by kmref
No-call was the right call. Common sense will take you to the higher levels.
Unfortunately, this type of violation is to called at the higher levels regardless of score or backcourt pressure. A few years ago, I believe in an NCAA tourney game, the Trail official did NOT call a throw-in violation when the inbounder stepped onto the court before releasing the throw-in. He didn't call it b/c the game was a blowout. But everybody in the place saw it, and a directive came down to call the throw-in violation.

That reminds me Chuck. Did you guys watch the NCAA video with the plays on it and the instructions on what to call this year? Tell me what you thought of the 3 second call that we're supposed to call with the girl they timed at 3.8 or 4 and moving out of the lane...
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 02:28pm
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Originally posted by devdog69
Did you guys watch the NCAA video with the plays on it and the instructions on what to call this year? Tell me what you thought of the 3 second call that we're supposed to call with the girl they timed at 3.8 or 4 and moving out of the lane...
No, I didn't see it. I don't think I'll be calling any 3-second violations at 3.8 any time soon, tho.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 03:02pm
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What happens next time? You call it, that's what. Simple as that. If you want to call it, be my guest, you'll be one of the guys nevadaref is calling an idiot and we've all worked with them. I know it's a different sport but I had an experienced white hat call a penalty on a team for equipment, kid only had one of the straps fastened on one side of the helmet, they were losing by 55-0 with 2 minutes left, 3rd and 1, about to get their first first down of the game, now you don't think i will look at him as an idiot for the rest of my life do you? [/B][/QUOTE]

And this little diatribe is meant to do what?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 03:42pm
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The diatribe may be a little harsh, but the message is right on. It is not absolutely essential that you hold a tight line on the rules when the game is essentially over. Call what you absolutely need to call in these situations, especially when dealing with a team that is on the bad end of a pasting. If it the team in the lead by 50 with 30 seconds to play, call it and give the trailing team a chance to cut it to 48.

But you don't need to pile on the pain on a team that is out of the game already.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 12, 2002, 01:36am
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee

1)Do you combine your "20 point rule" with any specific amount of time remaining in the game,Nevada? I've had teams come from further back to either win,or make it a competitive game again.
JR, You will be happy to know that yes I certainly do consider the amount of time remaining. I don't have a hard and fast amount of time that I follow, but I just use my judgment. Also in Nevada we have so few teams that I have usually seen the team a couple of times already and know if they can come back or not.
For example, in the UMass v. UConn game last night I would have continued to call the game straight up.
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
2)"two other IDIOTS out there with me"??
Being playful here and notice that I did include myself in this statement. But especially with 3-man, how many times have you passed on something intentionally only to have one of your partners run in and call it? A pregame statement I use is "Let's give each other the benefit of the doubt on something in your own area. Let's believe that it was passed on, not missed!" Of course, that being said we do help each other when we need it or the play is just an OH MY THAT NEEDS TO BE CALLED!!!

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