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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 07, 2011, 11:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 162
Aleternating Possession Rule/Question


HS BV 30 point game

Jump ball. Alternating possession pointed towards team A. I hand the ball to team A for a throw in. Team A has trouble getting the ball in and eventually has a 5 second violation. What to do with the arrow??? I told my table crew that the arrow will still be pointed towards team A's basket because the ball was never legally touched on the alternating possession throw in. Team B's coach just wants an explanation and I explain to him and the table crew about how the ball has to be legally touched for the arrow to switch and since the next time the ball was legally touched on a throw in was a result of the 5 second violation the arrow will not switch...

I know Team b's coach really well and he just doesn't understand but he goes with it and his assistant starts looking it up for the rest of the game. After the game is over I find it in the book and was going to show team b why I did certain stuff. Come to find out I screwed it up. I don't have my case book on me but it states something about the only time the arrow would switch in this situation is on a violation by team A (5 sec, traveling on the throw in) if it was a violation by team b (kick ball) it would not change. So I saw the coach after the game and explained and we talked about it. NO big deal at all.

My question is the case book says violation only on team a the arrow would change to team by. So if we had an alternating possession throw in with team a and team a sets an illegal screen will the possession arrow still stay with team a? Doesn't seem right considering on a violation by team a it will change but a foul by team a it will not.

Lesson learned tonight, and thank god it was a 30 point game.
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