Originally Posted by hoopsaddict
Sorry to bring this back up again, but it came up in my association meeting last night and I don't see a clear answer in the post. Some say that we'd adminster them as they occured. I dont have my rule book with me and haven't had a chance to view it but my question is does warm-ups count as time. Wouldn't it all be a dead ball situation prior to the game so it wouldn't matter that one occured 7 minutes later because no time ran of the actual clock as we're still before tip?
They are not at the same time. Enforce them in the order they occur.
Suppose during a stoppage of play, A1 taunts B1. That's a T.
Then, there's a TO. Then the other team wants a TO. Now the table has some sort of problem. 7 minutes elapse.
Now, B1 swears at A1. That's another T.
Are you going to offset them? OF course not.
Same thing in the OP.