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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 11:33am
TODO: creative title here
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 1,250
First game... trial by fire

So I officiated my first basketball game ever last night. It was a 9A/9B girls doubleheader.

Gametime rolls around, and my partner is nowhere to be found. Fighting off the internal panic, I decide to just roll with it, do the best I can, and make it a point to forget about any mechanics as far as lead/trail positioning.

Made a few mistakes... called a foul on a shot, reported it, positioned the teams for the free throw, announced that there would be two shots, and immediately heard the coach scream "The shot went in!". Oops.

Missed a few traveling calls, probably let the players get away with way too much physical play in the post, and got caught in the middle of the floor on 3 or 4 occasions. I think I even messed up a few alternating possessions (the scoreboard operators weren't exactly the best and brightest).

My partner showed up with about 6 minutes left to go in the first game. Turns out he had mistakenly gone to the visiting team's school. Upon discovering the mistake, he had to travel about 25 miles, past the heart of downtown Minneapolis, in the middle of rush hour to get to the actual game location. He was quite apologetic, naturally.

I just hope I don't have to go through that again any time soon.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 11:54am
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Posts: 276
Ick, never fun, especially on your first game ever! But it does happen once in a while and you did the right thing, roll with it and do your best. One suggestion (and maybe you did), call your assignor, or partner if you have his number, before starting the game. That way you know what the situation is. If he forgot and you don't call, you're in for a long night. Also, assignor should know about his tardiness so if he makes a habit of this something can be done.

I hope you got paid for 3 games and your partner for 1.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 12:03pm
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by jTheUmp View Post
My partner showed up with about 6 minutes left to go in the first game. Turns out he had mistakenly gone to the visiting team's school. Upon discovering the mistake, he had to travel about 25 miles, past the heart of downtown Minneapolis, in the middle of rush hour to get to the actual game location. He was quite apologetic, naturally.

First step in your pre-game: Call your partner 48-72hrs before game to confirm date, time, location, and whether or not you will ride to game together.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 12:23pm
TODO: creative title here
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 1,250
I did call (well, email actually) my partner about 5 days before the game to confirm the date, time, and location. And he did respond confirming all of those details.

He blamed it on a brain fart... those happen to the best of us on occasion.

I didn't say anything to my partner about pay, partly because they already had checks there for us, partly because I'm working with him again early next week and I don't want to be 'that guy' this early in my basketball career, and partly because I'm honestly not too concerned about the pay. I'm not doing this strictly for the money (although it's obviously a nice touch).

I do plan on emailing my assigner about it, and if the assigner wants to make it an issue, that's fine with me. I think the assoication has some rules about pay when one official is late or misses a game, but I can't quote them offhand.

Of course, if I had been the one showing up 3/4 of the way through the game, I'd have immediately offered to give my partner most or all of my pay for that game.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 12:47pm
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Sounds like you handled it well. This week seems to be a good one for trials.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 12:51pm
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by jTheUmp View Post

I do plan on emailing my assigner about it, and if the assigner wants to make it an issue, that's fine with me. I think the assoication has some rules about pay when one official is late or misses a game, but I can't quote them offhand.

It's possible that the venue will not pay your assignor the full fee b/c only one official showed up. Some assignors fine the missing official a game fee so that they can pay the other official a double game fee.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Dec 11, 2009, 01:09pm
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Some Info from our friend BillyMac to Put in Your Kit Bag

Connecticut (IAABO) interpreters have come up with some guidelines for one-person mechanics. This is the first year for the guidelines. Veteran officials, I'm sure, are already familiar with some of these, due to experience, and some common sense, so the guidelines are mostly aimed at rookie officials, so that they don't walk onto the court with that "deer in the headlights" look.

Also, our contract with the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, our state's high school sports governing body, stipulates that the single official gets a 150% game fee. Also note that much credit should go to the sources listed at the bottom of the list.


It is quite possible that you will eventually officiate a game by yourself. This document offers officiating guidelines and one-person officiating mechanics you should follow.

Assignment Commissioner
- Contact the Commissioner either before or after the game.
- If you are assigned a game by the Assignment Commissioner, DO NOT accept an offer from a parent, coach, or a non-certified official. Work alone. Liability issues arise if you work with anyone other than a certified official.

Coaches and Administrators Conference
- Conduct a pre-game meeting with both coaches and the game administrator.
- Confirm that everyone is in agreement.
- Request coaches cooperation and express advance appreciation for them assisting you in keeping themselves and their teams under control.
- Stress and remind them of the importance of good sportsmanship and the example that they can and should set for their players.

Pregame Captains-Coaches Meeting
- Conduct at 2-minute mark
- Explain that you will appreciate and expect the cooperation from both teams.
- Explain that you expect the players to retrieve all loose balls once the whistle is sounded.

Floor Coverage
- Work the sideline, (choose either nearest or opposite) from the scorer’s table, moving from free throw line extended to free throw line extended. This will give you the same angle as both coaches to help reduce any disagreements, since you will be on the same side of the court as the coaches.
- As the ball goes toward the opposite sideline, you will have to move off the sideline toward the center of the floor.
- Avoid getting caught on the end line.
- You must work hard at getting open looks and move to obtain proper angles in order to be in the most advantageous position to referee all players. Have a high level of awareness on plays to the basket and shooters.

Start/Stop Clock
- You must stop/start clock at all opportunities using the proper mechanic. For example, after a missed free throw that will remain live, you must start the clock.

Out of Bounds
- Request players and coaches to assist you on out of bounds violations if necessary.
- If disagreement results, use the alternating possession arrow to make decision.
- After designating the throw-in spot, move to your position (see Floor Coverage) and either bounce or toss the ball to the player for the throw-in.

Time Outs
- Stand at the division line, ¾ away from the scorer’s table with ball on hip toward the teams’ basket which will have control of the ball. After 1st horn, move to area on the playing court where play will resume.

Three Point Shots
- Do not guess. Move to improve your angle, if you don’t know, it counts as 2-points the same as if there were two officials working the game.

Reporting Fouls
- Move towards an area visible to the scorers and keeping as many players within your field of vision.

Free Throw Coverage
- Assemble the players and administer every free throw from the Trail position.
- Ensure proper alignment of players on free throw lane lines, leaving the first spaces between the end line and neutral blocks vacant.
- Closely monitor disconcertion.

- Remain at the free throw line extended in the backcourt, (nearest or opposite) the scorer/timer table and move up the court with the players.

Maintain Control
- Maintain your composure.
- You may need to blow your whistle more so players do not take advantage of the situation.
- Take charge early to help keep the crazy stuff in check.
- Do not argue with the coaches. Keep your cool and remind them that you are working hard for them.
- Do the best you can. It is not your fault that this situation occurred.
- Remember that, if approached properly, people will almost always be willing to assist.
- Remember that you are the best official on the floor, albeit the only one.

Sources: Greater Sudbury Board of Basketball Officials (IAABO Board 106) and
Topeka Officials Association (Kansas State High School Activities Association)
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
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