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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 01, 2009, 08:22pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 16
AP Throw-in Mistake

Arrow mistakes are covered in Casebook 6.4.1 Situation D. It appears as though an error can be corrected anytime until the throw-in ends. Rulebook 4.42.5 tells us that the throw-in ends when one of three things happends:

Rulebook 4.42.5

The throw-in ends when:

A: The passed ball touches or is legally touched by another player inbounds
B: The passed ball touches or is touched by another player out of bounds, except as in 7-5-7. After a made basket, or BI/Goaltending etc...
C: The throw-in team commits a throw-in violation.

Reading Casebook 6.4.1 isn't entirely clear, however, in the actual administration. The casebook play involves a foul prior to the throw-in ending:

Casebook 6.4.1:

It is Team B's turn for the next throw-in under the alternating-possession procedure. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. Team A (a) commits a throw-in violation, or (b) releases the ball on the alternating-possession throw-in, but before the ball is legally touched inbounds, Team A or Team B commits a foul. RULING: Once the throw-in ends--it is too late to change anything. In (a), the throw-in ends when Team A violates and results in a throw-in for Team B as well as the arrow for the next alternating possession. In (b), the alternating possession throw-in did not end when the foul occured. Therefore, the alternating-possesion mistake is corrected and the arrow now favors Team B; penalize the foul appropriately.

To me: For (a), it seems as though Team B will receive a (non-AP) throw-in for the violation by Team A, as well as the next alternating possession throw-in. For (b), it appears less clear. Do we penalize the foul and award the ball OOB or administer free throws if in the bonus, and just let Team B retain the AP arrow for the next AP throw-in? Or, do we just report the foul, and then give Team B the ball for the AP throw-in, because the previous throw-in had not ended and it was still "correctable."

Consider the following scenarios. The first two deal with violations by Team B, which accoring to 4.42.5, do not cause the throw-in to end. The third is a double foul, which normally goes to POI...where is the POI here? The throw-in hasn't ended yet. The last deals with a held ball.

Situation 1:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. A1 releases the ball for the throw-in and B1 violates by kicking the ball. The officials then realize their error.. RULING:

Situation 2:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. B1 reaches across the boundary plane and the official going to the table to report the Delay of Game warning and the officials then realize their error.. RULING:

Situation 3:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. A1 releases the ball on the alternating possession throw-in and prior to the ball being legally touched inbounds, A2 and B2 commit double fouls. The official is going to the table to report the fouls and the officials then realize their error.

Situation 4:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. A1 holds the ball across the boundary line and B1 grabs the ball and the official whistles a held ball. The officials then realize their error.

Thoughts!? (and prayers that you never get yourself into a situation with an arrow mistake!)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 02, 2009, 01:18am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
We discussed these situations a couple of years ago when the rule about how a throw-in ends was clarified.
Originally Posted by jdub View Post

Situation 1:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. A1 releases the ball for the throw-in and B1 violates by kicking the ball. The officials then realize their error.. RULING:
The penalty for the violation gets ignored and the ball is awarded to Team B for an alternating-possession throw-in as the kicking is not a legal touch, so the throw-in had not yet ended when the mistake was realized. Therefore, it will be corrected now.

Situation 2:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. B1 reaches across the boundary plane and the official going to the table to report the Delay of Game warning and the officials then realize their error.. RULING:
Report the team warning for delay against Team B, then correct the throw-in mistake by awarding the ball to Team B for an AP throw-in. The mistake can still be fixed at this point as the previous throw-in did not properly end.

Situation 3:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. A1 releases the ball on the alternating possession throw-in and prior to the ball being legally touched inbounds, A2 and B2 commit double fouls. The official is going to the table to report the fouls and the officials then realize their error.
Report the double foul, then correct the throw-in mistake. Team B shall be awarded an AP throw-in right now as the previous throw-in did not end.

Situation 4:

It is Team B's turn for the alternating possession throw-in. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. A1 holds the ball across the boundary line and B1 grabs the ball and the official whistles a held ball. The officials then realize their error.
Since the held ball occurred PRIOR to A1 releasing the ball, the throw-in did not end. Therefore, the mistake is corrected and Team B is now awarded an AP throw-in.

Thoughts!? (and prayers that you never get yourself into a situation with an arrow mistake!)
Deducing these rulings from the guiding principle of when a throw-in ends is not hard.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 02, 2009, 10:17pm
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 16


Exactly what I was deducing from 4.42 about when the throw-in ended and 6.4 about when the AP throw-in was able to be corrected.

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