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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 18, 2009, 08:45pm
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Art. 1. A technical foul shall be assessed to a player or a substitute for the
following infractions:
a. Purposely obstructing an opponent’s vision by waving or placing
hand(s) near his eyes.
b. Climbing on or lifting a teammate to secure greater height.
c. Knowingly attempting a free throw to which he is not entitled.
d. Possessing or using tobacco.
e. A team member dunking or attempting to dunk a dead ball before or
during the game, or during any intermission.
f. Grasping either basket in an excessive, emphatic manner during the
officials’ jurisdiction when the player is not, in the judgment of an
official, trying to prevent an obvious injury to self or others.

g. Intentionally slapping or striking the backboard or causing either the
backboard or ring to vibrate while the ball is in flight during a try, or
while the ball is touching the backboard, is on the basket ring, in the
basket net or in the cylinder.
h. Placing a hand(s) on the backboard or ring to gain an advantage.
i. Touching a ball in flight (goaltending) during a free throw.
j. Reach through the throw-in boundary-line plane and touch or
dislodge the ball while it is in possession of the thrower or being
passed to a teammate outside the boundary line as in 7-5.8.a.
k. Deceptively leaving the playing court for an unauthorized reason and
returning at a more advantageous position.
l. Purposely delaying his return to the playing court after being legally
out of bounds.
m. After a team warning has been issued, attempting to gain an advantage
by interfering with the ball after a goal or failing to immediately pass
the ball to the nearest official after the whistle had been blown.
n. A substitute entering the playing court without reporting to the
official scorer or without being beckoned onto the playing court by
an official (unless during an intermission).
o. Participating after changing his uniform number without reporting
the change to the official scorer and a game official.
Art. 2. A technical foul shall be assessed to the coach and all bench
personnel for the following infractions:
a. Entering the playing court unless done with permission of an official
to attend to an injured player.
b. Possessing or using tobacco.
c. Refusing to occupy the team bench to which the team was assigned
or to occupy the locations for a timeout or for the start of any period
as defined in Rule 4-7.2.
d. Using electronic transmission (e.g. headsets, cellular telephones,
modular telephones, television, radio, audio or video internet
broadcast), or knowledge gained resulting from thereof, to
communicate to and from the bench area or using television monitors
or replay equipment at courtside for coaching purposes.

e. When there is evidence that the head coach or bench personnel
instructed for the scorebook to be removed from the scorer’s table.
f. All bench personnel shall remain seated on the bench while the ball
is live, except as follows:
1. The head coach who may stand but must remain completely and
clearly in his coaching box. One warning shall be issued to the
head coach before any subsequent infraction is penalized.
2. To spontaneously react to an outstanding play, immediately
sitting down on the bench afterwards.
3. A team member reporting to the scorer’s table.
4. To point out, at any time, a scoring or timing mistake or to request
a timeout to ascertain whether a correctable error needs to be
rectified (Rule 2-12; 5-10.5).
5. To seek information from the official scorer or official timer
during a timeout or an intermission.
g. The head coach shall replace a disqualified or injured player within
20 seconds when a substitute is available.
h. Delaying the game by preventing the ball from being promptly
made live or by preventing continuous play, such as bench personnel
entering the playing court before player activity has been terminated.
In such a case, when the delay does not interfere with play, it shall be
i. Using a laser pointer.
j. Bench personnel leaving the bench area when a fight may break out
or has broken out. The head coach may leave the bench area in this
case to prevent the situation from escalating.
PENALTY: Article 1 and Article 2.a through i. Two free throws shall
be awarded to any member of the offended team. All
infractions count toward ejection but do not count toward
the team-foul total or disqualification.
The coach is responsible for the conduct of all bench
personnel. When a CLASS B technical foul, as described
in Article 2, is assessed against an offender, it shall also be
charged to the head coach as a CLASS B technical foul.

RESUMPTION OF PLAY: Article 1 and Article 2. After the
administration of the penalty, play shall resume at the
point of interruption.
EJECTION: Article 1 and Article 2. CLASS B technical fouls apply
toward ejection when the following have been assessed:
a maximum of three CLASS B technical fouls (BBB) or a
combination of one CLASS A and two CLASS B technical
fouls (ABB).
Any individual who leaves the bench area and enters the
playing court but does not participate in a fight (Art. 2.j)
shall not be assessed a CLASS B technical foul (no free
throws awarded). That individual shall be ejected but is
not subject to suspension.
Note: An assistant coach who replaces the ejected head
coach shall not inherit the accumulative technical fouls
of the head coach. However, the assistant coach shall be
responsible for technical fouls previously charged to him.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 18, 2009, 08:48pm
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Originally Posted by whistlesblow View Post
Fair enough, but when you are talking about a Class A tech on someone on the bench, player, coach or other personnel, don't you have to be pretty dang sure who made the offensive comment before you assign it to an individual and not make it an administrative foul? This situation was a team follower (or someone else in the seats behind the bench). The official was not looking that way and there are easy remedies in place when you don't know who said something - i.e. admin tech.
There is no "easy remedy" for this. If it was a team follower who made the remark, then it should have been an admin T. If it was a Team Member, then it should have been a Class A tech on the team member. You can't say, "it was someone on the team, but I don't know who, so I'll make it an admin T." The official apparently knew who it was, or made a mistake. Shrug. It happens.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 18, 2009, 08:54pm
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
There is no "easy remedy" for this. If it was a team follower who made the remark, then it should have been an admin T. If it was a Team Member, then it should have been a Class A tech on the team member. You can't say, "it was someone on the team, but I don't know who, so I'll make it an admin T." The official apparently knew who it was, or made a mistake. Shrug. It happens.
How about this, Bob?
10-5-1 Penalty:
"An assessed technical foul that cannot be charged to an individual shall be charged to the head coach (ex. Art. 1.f)."
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 18, 2009, 09:58pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I see that Rut is exhibiting his multiple personality disorder again.
Probably a hypothetical disorder.
I swear, Gus, you'd argue with a possum.
It'd be easier than arguing with you, Woodrow.

Lonesome Dove
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 18, 2009, 10:14pm
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Actually JRut is right in a sense, Class A to the player and since he is bench personnel a Class B to the HC.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 18, 2009, 11:50pm
Statistician/Ref Hybrid
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I'm not sure if it is still in the NCAA Rule Book, but I remeber there used ot be a case where a referee hears foul language from a bench and either (a) knows who said or (b) doesn't know. In A, the person who said it gets the T and in B the Bench (Indirect on HC) gets it. Not sure if this is still the correct interp.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 19, 2009, 12:18am
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Originally Posted by Stat-Man View Post
I'm not sure if it is still in the NCAA Rule Book, but I remeber there used ot be a case where a referee hears foul language from a bench and either (a) knows who said or (b) doesn't know. In A, the person who said it gets the T and in B the Bench (Indirect on HC) gets it. Not sure if this is still the correct interp.
Here are the NCAA rules and case plays for both men and women from the 2008-09 books:

10-5-1 Penalty:
"An assessed technical foul that cannot be charged to an individual shall be charged to the head coach (ex. Art. 1.f)."

(MEN) CLASS A–Unsporting Technical Infractions
A.R. 254. The official is advancing up the playing court to cover the play
and as the official passes Team A’s bench with his or her back to
it, someone on that bench uses profanity. The official is certain
from which bench the profanity came but not from which
RULING: When the official cannot, with assurance, determine the
violator, the official shall assess a CLASS A technical foul to the head
coach. The official alone shall decide to whom a technical foul shall
be charged. It is not the prerogative of the coach or other bench
personnel to come forward as the party guilty of unsportsmanlike
bench decorum.
(Rule 10-5.2.c)

Rule 10 / fouls and penalties
Section 4. (WOMEN) Bench Technical Fouls
(Art. 1, 4, 7) When there is more than one offender
(excluding the head coach) or a single offender that cannot
be identified, one bench technical foul shall be assessed
regardless of the number of offenders. This technical foul is
also charged indirectly to the head coach.

(WOMEN) Bench Technicals
A.R. 243. The official is advancing up the playing court to cover the play
and as the official passes Team A’s bench with his back to it,
someone on that bench uses profanity. The official is certain
from which bench the profanity came but not from which
RULING: When the official cannot, with assurance, determine
the violator, the official shall assess a bench technical to the bench
and an indirect technical foul to the head coach. The official alone
shall decide to whom a technical foul shall be charged. It is not the
prerogative of the coach or other bench personnel to come forward as
the party guilty of unsportsmanlike bench decorum.
(Rule 10-4.1.c)
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 19, 2009, 09:21am
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
How about this, Bob?
10-5-1 Penalty:
"An assessed technical foul that cannot be charged to an individual shall be charged to the head coach (ex. Art. 1.f)."

That seems (to me) to apply to Players and Subs -- not to Bench Personnel, who are covered under 10-5-2, and only when the Player / Sub cannot get a T (using the example given of a DQ player), not when the offender is not known.

Your later case play cite seems more on target, but it's still not an Admin T as the OP seems to want.

All that said, I work far more NCAAW than NCAAM, so my knowledge of some of the finer points of the rules is a little suspect for NCAAM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 19, 2009, 05:21pm
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BBallRef -

I am a fan of the game and of the players, who I think deserve better than this. And in this case, it seems the player certainly followed your advice and kept his mouth shut, but he got T'd up anyone - hmmmmm.

Look at it this way - today the Duke student newspaper retracted an earlier story alleging that the player in fact said something and changed their story to the more widely reported 'someone behind the bench'. They could hardly be called GU fans, no? I think we all know CIS is a wild place to experience with 9000 home fans yelling persistently, which just exagerrates the oddness of the official claiming it was this one opposing player who was out of line vocally. As JRut pointed out, perhaps he knew the voice, which is interesting because since being made available for interviews, numerous DC media have reported on the distinct quality of this kids baritone. Makes it even harder to believe he mistook it.

There is a lot of good info and I thank everyone for their insight. I won't bother discussing Class A and B since I think that has been clarified now by others and glad to hear that their is a protocol in place for when you aren't certain who said what , as was sited in the example given later in the thread.

Thanks again.

Originally Posted by BktBallRef View Post
Some thoughts:

I get the impression that you're a Georgetown fan. Could it be?

There's no such thing as a "bench foul." There is no "more usual bench technical assessed against the bench collectively." You assess it to the person who opened his mouth.

It makes no difference if the player "has worked so hard to get there." When you're on the bench, you'd be smart to keep your mouth shut.

John Cahill has worked several Final Fours and National Championship games. He was there, we were not.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 20, 2009, 07:56am
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I see it has begun.
Sprinkles are for winners.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 20, 2009, 08:09am
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I didn't see the game. I can't say anything about the call. I'm a G'town guy. I can state that both JT3 and Summers got T'd in the victory over Syracuse, which was the previous game, and both deserved it.

After checking the ESPN report on the game, this other poster may have a point.

But roughly 30 seconds later, Henry Sims was whistled for a blocking foul near the baseline and Monroe objected from the bench, prompting the technical foul from official John Cahill -- the fourth foul on the Hoyas' 6-foot-11 big man.
"I don't even believe [Cahill] was even looking at the bench, but I know I definitely didn't say anything," Monroe said. "I can't say what I heard, or what somebody else said, but I know I didn't say a thing."

However, either JT3 knows that someone with the team said something or he is really taking the high road here.

The technical foul "clearly altered how they attacked us and what we could do, but that's not the reason we ended up with less points than them," Hoyas coach John Thompson III said. "They outplayed us. We're not going to sit here and look at that and say that's the reason the outcome was what it was."
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