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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:24pm
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What Not to Do/Say!

Last night - watching my son's HS play. Girl's Varsity followed by Boy's Varsity. Same crew of three did both games. It was about 2 hours up the freeway, so I didn't know any of the officials involved. Interesting things that happened...

Shot free throws twice in the second quarter on illegal screen calls. Ball is inbounds and being dribbled, screener never stops moving, good calls. Then they line them up both times to shoot. Yikes...

Coach stands up (they have a coaching box here) and asks (not yelling or anything) why they are shooting free throws. Official tells him "Because we're in the bonus coach." Coach says "But it was a team control foul." Official - "You need to sit down and be quiet, coach." Yikes again...

4th quarter - ball being dribbled, player sets screen, defender knocks screener to floor. Foul called on defender is the 8th team free throws! Coach stands up and says "Hey! Why aren't we shooting?" Same official responds - "Coach, that was a screening foul and we don't shoot on those. We messed that up in the first half, but we're getting it right this time. And I already warned you to sit down and be quiet." Yikes, yikes, yikes!!

At this point, I went out and spent the last 4 minutes sitting in the cafeteria!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:32pm
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Yikes³ is right.

I can maybe see if the rule changed this year, but to screw up both ends of the rule. . .
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:34pm
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And the coach, assistant coach, student assistant, trainer, water boy, and stats keeper all got to stay and watch the whole game? Thats terrible. If I was a coach my whole bench would of been cleared because we all would of been in the locker room after our technicals calling the state association.

Do they not have a protest procedure? They would of been the easy thing to do. In Missouri you get the rule book out and look it up, if you cant find it move on, if you can find it correct it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:41pm
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Originally Posted by rockyroad View Post

Coach stands up (they have a coaching box here) and asks (not yelling or anything) why they are shooting free throws. Official tells him "Because we're in the bonus coach." Coach says "But it was a team control foul." Official - "You need to sit down and be quiet, coach." Yikes again...
At this point, I would sit because I would have earned a T for letting the official know

1. He doesnt know the rules about TC fouls
2. He doesn't know the rules about the Coaches box and I am not obligated to sit (yet)
3. He CANNOT TELL me how to do my job
4. He has no right to tell me what to do when he clearly has no idea what he's doing.

Pretty tame coaches really. I expect this at the frosh/soph level and sometimes JV. But not varsity.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:42pm
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Originally Posted by MOofficial View Post
And the coach, assistant coach, student assistant, trainer, water boy, and stats keeper all got to stay and watch the whole game? Thats terrible. If I was a coach my whole bench would of been cleared because we all would of been in the locker room after our technicals calling the state association.

Do they not have a protest procedure? They would of been the easy thing to do. In Missouri you get the rule book out and look it up, if you cant find it move on, if you can find it correct it.
Whoa, it is normal for a coach to pull out a rule book in your area and show up the officials?!?!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:43pm
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There is a protest procedure here in Washington, but the score was not close enough to warrant any kind of protest. I think the final spread was 22 points or something like that...anyway, the Coach told me last night that he had the official's names, and that the home coach gave him the name and number of the assignor to call and lodge a complaint. Interestingly, the home coach said he was going to call and complain also - he's a former official (I worked a couple State tournaments with him years ago) and was pretty upset about the mistakes that were made.

And deecee, it's a small, private Christian school where T's are mightily frowned upon by the AD, Principal, etc...I coach football there, got a USC penalty two years ago for arguing a call, and was put on probation for the remainder of the season. Sportsmanship and resiliency are stressed to the players.

Last edited by rockyroad; Wed Jan 07, 2009 at 02:46pm.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:47pm
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Rocky - I'm glad you said the game was 2 hours up the freeway, and not down the freeway.

(Inside joke for those of us near the Washington/Oregon border)
Yom HaShoah
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 02:51pm
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I'm not 100 % about basketball protest but I believe that is how the protest procedure works. I know for a fact in softball, if they want to protest a rule they have 10 minutes to find the rule and show the official. If they cant find the rule within 10 minutes sorry we're moving on.

As far as basketball I believe it is the same way, however they must have the rulebook on the bench with them. They can not leave to go get one. 10 minutes if you find the rule fix it, if not were moving on.

But in the situation of shooting on team control, the other coach had to be thinking what in the hell is going on, and could probably help the situation out by getting together with the officials and getting it correct, but if you cant even stand up to talk to the officials about it than who knows. Sounds like someone needed to be making a phone call to the assigner that night right after the game and say thanks for getting us officials for the night but dont send me those 3 again.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:02pm
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
Rocky - I'm glad you said the game was 2 hours up the freeway, and not down the freeway.

(Inside joke for those of us near the Washington/Oregon border)
Ha! It was north, not south!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:03pm
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A 10 minute delay for a protest? No thank you. I'd rather risk officials who don't know the rules.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:03pm
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Originally Posted by MOofficial View Post
Do they not have a protest procedure? They would of been the easy thing to do. In Missouri you get the rule book out and look it up, if you cant find it move on, if you can find it correct it.
first there is no protest in NFHS basketball.
Second right or wrong if a coach pulls out a book they are gone -
that is flagrantly showing up an official.
I know it is a bad situation - but we are not even going to look at that book on the floor.
talk about it afterward like civilized men/women, but I can guarantee that if a coach pulls out a book and says anything about something being do wrong during a game that is the an automatic E-ticket.

I have done it and been blessed for it.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:09pm
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Originally Posted by OHBBREF View Post
first there is no protest in NFHS basketball.
Second right or wrong if a coach pulls out a book they are gone -
that is flagrantly showing up an official.
I know it is a bad situation - but we are not even going to look at that book on the floor.
talk about it afterward like civilized men/women, but I can guarantee that if a coach pulls out a book and says anything about something being do wrong during a game that is the an automatic E-ticket.

I have done it and been blessed for it.
I believe Missouri allows for in-game protests like this. Personally, I think it's stupid; but I'm not King of Missouri, so....
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:11pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
I believe Missouri allows for in-game protests like this. Personally, I think it's stupid; but I'm not King of Missouri, so....
They sold Bud to foriegners too, another reason not go to MO.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:12pm
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Originally Posted by OHBBREF View Post
They sold Bud to foriegners too, another reason not go to MO.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 07, 2009, 03:24pm
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In Missouri there is. I am now looking at the sheet they hand out at our annual meeting and it reads as follows:

The Board of Directors adopted the following Policy, March, 1997, to address protest.....

1. Within the procedures established...
2. If the coach still believes there has been a misapplication of a rule by a contest official, the coach shall then file a formal verbal protest with the game official who will then notify the opposing coach immediately of the protest.
3. Followign the notification of the protest, the coach shall be allowed approximately ten minutes to use his/her NF rules book. If the head coach does not have personal copies of teh above mentioned materials at teh game site or the specific rule reference or case book plays cannot be located within the maximum allowable ten minutes, the protest shall automatically be disallowed adn teh game shall continue POI.
4. All protest shall be resolved at the contest site before any further game action occurs.
6. The MSHSAA Board of Directors/ and or Staff shall not review contest protests

B. Process
1.Once the head coach has filed a formal verbal protest with teh game officials, they shall notify the opposing head coach of the protest adn the playing field, court, mat, etc. shall be cleared of all participants and they shall report to their respective team bench areas.
2. The head coach shall then be allowed approx. ten minutes to locate specific rules........The game officials shall also confer among themselves durign the period to address teh claim of the coach as to the potential rule missapplication
3. If the head coach is able to produce rule evidence from teh above mentioned sources to support the claim of a missapplication of a game rule, the officials shall correct the error as provided in the contest rules and the contest shall proceed from the POI. If the head coach cannot produce the evidence , the protest shall be disallowed and the contest shall continue from the POI.

With all that being said. I've never seen it happen either in Basketball nor Softball.
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