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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 17, 2008, 08:19pm
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Resumption of Play Scenerio?

NFHS Question re. ROP:

4-38 says, "The procedure results in a violation instead of a technical foul for initial delay in specific situations." (note: "results in...").
> > > Always??? < < <

8-1-2, on ROP says, in part, "Either or both teams may be charged with a violation." (note: "may be...)

QUESTION: Does an "ROP" at the free throw line always result in a violation?

Scenerio A: Shooter of the free throw is the only one unnecessarily late coming out of a time-out huddle near the bench area. His four teammates are all on the floor in adequate time, two in their proper lane spaces and two near mid-court. Before the ten-count is reached, the shooter hustles into legal position to shoot the free throw and executes it before the count of ten is reached.
No violation, right? Or wrong?

Scenerio B: All players are late coming out of time-out huddle near the bench area. Ball is placed and the ten-count begins. Shooter of free throw runs out first and picks up the ball to try to get the shot off before the ten-count ends. After he picks up the ball, he waits for his teammates to get in proper position and his one teammate hustles across the lane to take his legal lane space.
Violation, right? Or wrong?

Thank you for helping enhance understanding on this.

(P.S. I know there are tactful ways to keep from having to actually do a ROP. I have never actually done an ROP procedure. Never had to. My question pertains to when it is actually warranted--what the rules require.)

Last edited by Freddy; Sun Aug 17, 2008 at 08:45pm.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 17, 2008, 08:27pm
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NFHS Rules ???

NFHS Rules: In both cases, once the ball is placed on the floor, the ten second count begins. If the shooter crosses the semicircle to get the ball, it's a violation. The only way to avoid this violation is for the shooting team to request a timeout before the shooter crosses the semicircle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 18, 2008, 09:59am
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Originally Posted by Freddy
Scenerio A: Shooter of the free throw is the only one unnecessarily late coming out of a time-out huddle near the bench area. His four teammates are all on the floor in adequate time, two in their proper lane spaces and two near mid-court. Before the ten-count is reached, the shooter hustles into legal position to shoot the free throw and executes it before the count of ten is reached.
No violation, right? Or wrong?
I need to look at the rule book tonight, but I can't figure out why this shouldn't be a technical foul for not having the whole team leave the huddle at the same time following a timeout.
Originally Posted by Freddy
(P.S. I know there are tactful ways to keep from having to actually do a ROP. I have never actually done an ROP procedure. Never had to. My question pertains to when it is actually warranted--what the rules require.)
Never? You've never placed the ball on the floor? Okay.
Sprinkles are for winners.

Last edited by Adam; Mon Aug 18, 2008 at 10:02am.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 18, 2008, 04:14pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
NFHS Rules: In both cases, once the ball is placed on the floor, the ten second count begins. If the shooter crosses the semicircle to get the ball, it's a violation. The only way to avoid this violation is for the shooting team to request a timeout before the shooter crosses the semicircle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
That's correct.

9.1.7 SITUATION: The official administering a free throw awarded to A1 places the ball at his/her disposal. A1, who is inside the free-throw semicircle leaves the semicircle to confer with a teammate. RULING: Violation. After the ball has been placed at the disposal of the free thrower, he/she is not permitted to leave or enter the free-throw semicircle without violating, until restrictions have ended. (9-1-7 Penalty 1)

Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I need to look at the rule book tonight, but I can't figure out why this shouldn't be a technical foul for not having the whole team leave the huddle at the same time following a timeout.
A team shall not:
. . . Fail to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a time-out or intermission.

That's a possible call, but it might be a bit picky. Simply employing the ROP is going to cost the team a time-out or a FT attempt.
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