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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 24, 2007, 02:49pm
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Originally Posted by chartrusepengui
not wrong - it just was not my intention to have my "condescending" words crush anyone. I never stated that no one knew how education is funded. By that - I mean the majority of people do not know how funding formulas work and that each district/school does not receive equal funding - even equal per pupil funding - and that these formulas are different from state to state. It was not my intent to condenscendingly imply that people do not know that the funding originates with taxes. It was more with what happens after the taxes are collected and monies are being dispursed.
Can't let this pass....

Tell me, in your state, what amount needs to be spent per student in order to ensure a quality education? in other words, at that amount you can gaurantee the students will be prepared for either life or institutions of higher learning. If you cannot break it down between classroom and infrastructure feel free to give me the total amount.
I didn't say it was your fault...I said I was going to blame you.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 09:07am
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those who educate are far too smart to guarentee all students will be prepared for life or institutions of hight learning at any price. We are not Gods. You can lead a horse to the water trough and fill it with the best water money can buy - but you cannot make them drink it in and fill themselves with it!
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 09:18am
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Originally Posted by chartrusepengui
those who educate are far too smart to guarentee all students will be prepared for life or institutions of hight learning at any price. We are not Gods. You can lead a horse to the water trough and fill it with the best water money can buy - but you cannot make them drink it in and fill themselves with it!
Does that mean that you're not gonna answer LarryS' question?

Btw, speaking of education from "those who educate" that are "far too smart"...
1) Don't you think students should be taught to begin sentences with a capital letter?
2) What are your feelings on far-too-smart educators being unable to spell words like "guarantee" and "higher"?
3) What's the point of leading a horse to the water trough and then filling it with water...i.e. "it" being that horse? Why would anybody try to make the horse drink after filling it?

Inquiring minds need to know.....
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 09:27am
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I understand your "confused" icon. There seem to be a lot of confused people here at times - myself included. I admit that I am not a good typist -especially on a laptop - however you don't have to be brilliant to understand that the "it" referred to the trough.

Happy Daze!
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 09:49am
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Originally Posted by chartrusepengui
I understand your "confused" icon. There seem to be a lot of confused people here at times - myself included. I admit that I am not a good typist -especially on a laptop - however you don't have to be brilliant to understand that the "it" referred to the trough.

Happy Daze!
Yup, I do get confused real easily. That's probably because I'm not one of those "far too smart" people who educate others.

Gee, I'll also admit right up front that I can't answer the question that LarryS made to you above either. I was just hoping that you might educate me by answering it.

So....what's the answer?
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 10:08am
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I will try to ease your confusion - there is no way to GUARENTEE
students will be prepared for either life or institutions of higher learning
at any specific price. I made that point previously but perhaps not clear enough for you. I have answered your question but I cannot make you absorb the concept. The question, with its demand of a guarentee, itself is absurd.
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 10:13am
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Originally Posted by LarryS
Can't let this pass....

Tell me, in your state, what amount needs to be spent per student in order to ensure a quality education? in other words, at that amount you can guarantee the students will be prepared for either life or institutions of higher learning. If you cannot break it down between classroom and infrastructure feel free to give me the total amount.
That's Larry's question, Mr. Penguin. That's the one that has never been answered.

You implied that you knew

Last edited by Jurassic Referee; Fri May 25, 2007 at 10:15am.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 11:24am
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I are an edjikater two, and even tho I are two smart for Jerassick, I two think the monee issue is a farce...

The schools around here tried the "We can't afford it" routine, so our association compromised with them - we took a pay cut for the first three season, and after that they had to pay the whole amount...this coming season will be the first at the full amount. In talking with several AD's, they all pretty much agree that it was a bogus argument and monetarily they will be fine...that includes large schools and small schools. Schools budget $$ for athletics completely separate from the general ed. budget...that athletic money goes through the ASB or Activites Office and does not affect textbooks, teacher salaries, replacing lightbulbs, buying toiliet paer, etc...the $$ issue is a cop-out.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 12:50pm
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Larry's question can't be answered because having an answer would imply that there is a figure that would be "enough."
Sprinkles are for winners.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 12:58pm
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Originally Posted by chartrusepengui
I will try to ease your confusion - there is no way to GUARENTEE at any specific price. I made that point previously but perhaps not clear enough for you. I have answered your question but I cannot make you absorb the concept. The question, with its demand of a guarentee, itself is absurd.
OK...eliminate the "guarentee"...what is the amount of funding that will allow educators in your state to provide a quality education to those that want it and or willing to work to that end? If you cannot give anyone a number, there is no way to convince anyone that adequate funding is not already taking place and being squandered.

It is the same as an employee constantly telling his boss "I need more money to operate effectively" but when the boss ask "How much more?" you just get a blank look on your face and say "I don't know, but what you are giving me now is not enough...give me more."
I didn't say it was your fault...I said I was going to blame you.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 01:37pm
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There always should be three officials. Otherwise, how will the home band playing The Three Stooges theme song (of course it's "Three Blind Mice") make any sense? Maybe they can play "Just the Two of Us", but I don't think it has quite the same effect.
I couldn't afford a cool signature, so I just got this one.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 25, 2007, 05:30pm
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Originally Posted by Jimgolf
There always should be three officials. Otherwise, how will the home band playing The Three Stooges theme song (of course it's "Three Blind Mice") make any sense? Maybe they can play "Just the Two of Us", but I don't think it has quite the same effect.
I think that whenever we give out a pair of technicals, the band should play "Tea (T) for Two".
Yom HaShoah
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