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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 12:50pm
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Originally Posted by rainmaker
Tangentially, tmp, you might consider working with your local association to get some training and back-up. It may be that they'd be willing to invest some time and energy as a way to recruit and expand their own horizons.
This is a good idea and I think would be beneficial to both sides.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 01:08pm
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An observation:

I have played in a lot of Rec ball...I have officiated a lot of Rec ball (earlier in my career)...and I have played a lot of pick up games with no officials.

Guess what...the games with NO OFFICIALS are un-doubtedly a cleaner game and a more sporting game.

WHY? Peer presure maybe... a player usually knows when he commits a violation/foul and the player that commited the violation/foul usually knows he did so...thus, the call your own fouls and violations seem to work themselves out among the players.

I don't know...maybe this IM program would be better served to have a gym supervisor at every game instead of having teenage girls/boys officiating that don't know what end of the whistle to blow. That, IMO, is a receipe for disaster.

Save your money or get some certified officials to volunteer their time for the playoffs...but, maybe just have a "floor supervisor" at the regular season games to keep discipline, rather than trying to call a game with little or no rules knowledge and judgement.
Dan Ivey
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 01:40pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
If a league is unwilling or unable to deal with it and put a stop to it before the championship game comes around, they can go scrape from the dregs to find officials.
I think they have.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 01:43pm
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Originally Posted by RookieDude
An observation:

I have played in a lot of Rec ball...I have officiated a lot of Rec ball (earlier in my career)...and I have played a lot of pick up games with no officials.

Guess what...the games with NO OFFICIALS are un-doubtedly a cleaner game and a more sporting game.

WHY? Peer presure maybe... a player usually knows when he commits a violation/foul and the player that commited the violation/foul usually knows he did so...thus, the call your own fouls and violations seem to work themselves out among the players.

I don't know...maybe this IM program would be better served to have a gym supervisor at every game instead of having teenage girls/boys officiating that don't know what end of the whistle to blow. That, IMO, is a receipe for disaster.

Save your money or get some certified officials to volunteer their time for the playoffs...but, maybe just have a "floor supervisor" at the regular season games to keep discipline, rather than trying to call a game with little or no rules knowledge and judgement.
But also, undoubtedly, there will be something that happens, where one team says they rules were improperly applied, and the other team says they weren't. Now, with inexperienced officials, it's possible that they may get the call wrong initially, but at least then you can protest the game based on the rules misinterpretation (we have such a procedure at the university where I referee). Without an official there, you'll never find out what actually happened. Sometimes, with IM ball, guys will develop rivalries, and when they play each other, it can be VERY heated. I think officials are needed
  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 01:44pm
APG APG is offline
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I had a similar situation happen to me this year.

Situation happened where a team had accumulated its 3rd technical of the game (which meant an automatic forfeit). Needless to say, things got a little crazy and one of the players ended up bumping me and confronting me whilst I was trying to get away. He then continued to verbal threaten my partner and me to the point where I ended up getting a police escort back home. Ended up filing charges on the kid. Last I heard, the kid was arrested, banned from intramurals and from the gym facility permanently, and might possibly be kicked out of school (wasn't his first offense).

All I can tell you is to make sure your official goes through with the criminal charges as others have said. And also make sure that your officials know they have your back. I can tell you it was that much easier to go through with filing charges when I knew that my supervisors had my back.
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 06, 2007, 03:51pm
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Recent Trial

In February I had jury duty and was picked as a juror on the following trial:

Two hispanic fraternities at the UW had an organized tackle football game one weekend.

After a long running play everyone turned around to see one guy sitting on
top of his opponent and beating him up.

The bottom guy received a ruptured ear drum, broken eye socket, and cuts/bruises.

Since it was on UW property he was prosecuted by the State of Washington.

We found him guilty of Assault-3.

I agree, it must stop.

Fans, players, officials....if they get violent then they should be prosecuted to the fullest.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 07, 2007, 06:25pm
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Jr .....

From Old School: "Is how come you get to continue to post sh!t about others and it is never question(ed)."

Old School: For your information, I have questioned Jurassic Referee many times, especially in regard to advantage/disadvantage involving both fouls and violations. In some cases one of us was able to convince the other one to come over to their side, in other cases, we were able to reach a compromise, and in other cases we have agreed to disagree. For the most part, we have been able to stay away from name calling, because we try to act in a professional manner.

The reason why Jurassic Referee is seldom questioned is because he knows and understands the rules, period. He also knows and understands the case book, and handbook. When questioned in a professional manner, he is more than willing to patiently back up his side with appropriate rule book or case book citations.

I cringe every time Jurassic Referee gets involved with name calling, he does seem to have a short fuse, but in many cases it's two-sided. I can't stand the name calling and personal attacks on this Forum. I wish the moderaters would be a little less tolerant of such threads and posts. I often think about removing the Forum from my favorites list, but I can't find a better basketball officiating website, with such outstanding and knowledgeable officials, anywhere on the internet.
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