Thread: It Has To Stop!
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Old Thu Apr 05, 2007, 11:36pm
NewNCref NewNCref is offline
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Originally Posted by TRef21
I would suggest having the athletes sign a petition stating, " That the officials are not professionals but student workers. They are to be respected and not threatened. If certain measures are broken you will be suspended from IM activities for the academic year or banned from your academic career." I would recommend having campus safety at all events especially playoffs.

I'm going to have to disagree with your first proposed sentence. Players at this level always think they know more than the referees, and this would just give them leverage. Granted, IM officials aren't NBA officials, but neither are high school officials. That doesn't take anything away from either set of officials. I don't care if the official is a hobo you just picked up off the street. Be mad at the organizing body, or just don't play, but by saying that "the officials are not professionals" is hanging the official out to dry IMO. I'm sure that's not how you meant it, but I'm just saying.