T-ing the Assistant Coaches
Last night I was working a boys Varsity game. The players were pretty good and the head coaches were pretty good. My question is how do you handle assistant coaches?
Here is my situation starting from the opening tip: Every time that Team A had the ball, the Assistant Coach (AC) would yell "TRAVEL." When I say every time, I mean every single possesion. Well, with 12 minutes to go in the 1st half the post player for Team A does the McHale move (pivoting baseline, pivoting towards the free throw line area, faking a fade-a-way, then stepping under for the lay-up). Anyone that has seen this move knows how effective it is......as long as the player keeps his pivot foot. The AC stands up and yells "TRAVEL" right at me. So, I waited for the ball to go through the hoop and T him.
The head coach is quite upset about not getting a warning. I rarely call T's on coaches, but it seems to me that AC's are getting a little full of themselver around here.
What is your policy for policing AC's ??