Originally posted by PAT THE REF
After the game, one of the little girls dad's walks down from the stands --- im changing my shoes and hear "this guy is horrible... So I look up and the guy is talking to the next set of officials ready to take the court (IABBO guys).
So I ask him what did I do wrong... he said everything
He asked me my name --- I told him
Then I asked who are you... He says - hes been reffin for 18 years..... "and im gonna call tom - you shouldnt be reffin these games - your not good enough"
Needless to say Tom is my assigner for CYO, and I had no problems in the past with officials, coaches, players, etc...
No complaints etc... So my question is - what should I do? Call Tom? Let it go?
Call Tom. I can't believe that any assignor wants one of his officials to conduct himself publically like Mr. 18-Year Official did. It's just completely wrong. It's unprofessional and unethical as hell.