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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 10:37am
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If he said something that warranted a T, fine. They did show a replay that had a closeup of the kid almost immediately after the foul call and you could tell he didn't say anything from the start of the closeup until the tech call, but it is possible that he said something instantly after the call.
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 10:38am
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I'm away for a few days and all you do while I'm gone is debate technical fouls. What a time to take a vacation.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 11:34am
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First off, he needs to head to the bench because he had picked up his 5th foul. Secondly, I understand this is a big game, but I don't think we should change what we expect for sportsmanship just because it is. We are expected to work our best game and be professional every night, why are players and coaches not expected to do the same? When it is something obvious to everyone like pulling your shirt out on the floor, it needs to be addressed. I've always kind of looked at it as we don't give technicals, we assess them when they are earned.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 12:26pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
So much for the "worst technical ever" bullsh*t!

This story says the "T" was for cursing at the ref before he pulled the shirt out.

Amazing what you find out when you you finally hear the official's side of a story.
AHEM! I believe SOMEBODYsuggested this in an earlier post!!

Man, I hate being right all the time!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 12:31pm
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Originally posted by Junker
Secondly, I understand this is a big game, but I don't think we should change what we expect for sportsmanship just because it is. We are expected to work our best game and be professional every night, why are players and coaches not expected to do the same?

I think I mentioned this in another post but here goes anyway. In a state final that one of our crews worked, the score was 15-2. The trailing coach started to officiate. He was given a stop sign shortly there afterwards. A couple of minutes later, he asked, "Are you gonna call a ****ing travel?"


The fact that we're playing on a bigger stage is not an issue.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 01:19pm
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Originally posted by Junker
First off, he needs to head to the bench because he had picked up his 5th foul.
Not so. He may not know it's his 5th until he's told. Show me where it says that a player must go to his bench when his 5th foul has been whistled? Only a poor official will require a player to go to his bench before the foul has been reported, coach and player notified.

Originally posted by Junker
Secondly, I understand this is a big game, but I don't think we should change what we expect for sportsmanship just because it is. We are expected to work our best game and be professional every night, why are players and coaches not expected to do the same? When it is something obvious to everyone like pulling your shirt out on the floor, it needs to be addressed. I've always kind of looked at it as we don't give technicals, we assess them when they are earned.
I agree that we don't give T's until they're earned. I also agree that coaches and players need to be respectful too. The player was respectful. Simply biting his shirt is an act where he gathered himself before anything else can happen. It sounds to me like he addressed it himself. Now, as for the alleged cursive language, that's my next reply...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 01:27pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
So much for the "worst technical ever" bullsh*t!

This story says the "T" was for cursing at the ref before he pulled the shirt out.

Amazing what you find out when you you finally hear the official's side of a story.
Ah ha! I knew it! So the T was for language, not for biting his shirt.

See what you can do when you're retired?
Pope Francis
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 20, 2005, 02:53pm
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You are right, he doesn't have to go until he's told. I just skipped that part in my post. I should have been more specific.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 01:43am
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Originally Posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
Pennsylvania AA state championship, about to end right now. York Catholic had a ten-point lead earlier in the quarter, but a nice press has Beaver Falls up 58-54. York Catholic misses a shot with 1:50 left and BF rebounds. A quick foul on a YC kid, turns out to be his fifth. He is of course frustrated, but rather than saying a word, or jumping up and down, he walks a couple steps away, pulls his shirt up and puts the bottom of it in his mouth exposing half his torso. His face is clearly showing frustration. Official calls a T. BF hits 4 of 4 then 1 of 2 on the ensuing possession, and the game is over.
Yep, I would have made the same call and here's why:

1. Sporting Behavior. The NFHS Basketball Rules Committee continues to be concerned with player, coach and fan behavior. While administrators continue to focus on solutions, it is imperative that all parties involved accept responsibility and improve behavior. Specifically, the committee wants the following addressed:
A. Uniforms: Players are increasingly using their uniforms in unsporting ways. Examples include: Holding the uniform out from the chest area to display the team name to the opponent or fans; pulling the uniform out of the shorts in an emotional display; and removing the jersey either on the court or near the team bench, especially after a disqualification. The committee expects jerseys to be worn properly and remain on. New Rule 3-4-15 adds, "A player shall not remove the jersey and/or pants/skirt in the confines of the playing area." The result is a technical foul.
Uniforms must be worn as intended and the rule must be enforced. The jersey must be tucked in and shorts must be worn properly. When a player is in violation of the rule, the player is directed to leave the game. While an untucked jersey during the normal course of play is understandable until it can be corrected, too often there are multiple warnings for clear violations. Coaches bear a great responsibility in ensuring uniforms stay on team members. Officials must enforce the rule.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 07:31am
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Worst Technical ever

I agree with the call, but not know all the surrounding cirmcumstances I really wouldn't comment other than some points to remember for the future. We are all human, we all make mistakes, but as an official we need to keep game management in mind. That call may have turned the outcome of the game. Could that official held from making that call?

I would like some opinions and comments on that question.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 09:07am
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Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
I agree with the call, but not know all the surrounding cirmcumstances I really wouldn't comment other than some points to remember for the future. We are all human, we all make mistakes, but as an official we need to keep game management in mind. That call may have turned the outcome of the game. Could that official held from making that call?

I would like some opinions and comments on that question.
According to the story, the player got the technical foul because he cursed at the official. What other circumstances do you need to know? Are you saying that that an official, any official, should ever ignore a player cursing at him?

Lah me......

That ain't game management imo, Fred. That a lack of testicular fortitude.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 09:38am
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worst technical ever

As I stated earlier, Not knowing all circumstance, Yes I would have T'd him in a NY second. But for him putting his shirt in his mouth and walking away as the posting stated. I would have looked at what was going on in the game. That is all part of what is discussed in Pregame. we make it mandatory. we normally try to discuss all game situation and even then we don't cover all, it's imposible. we "TRY". We ask that we meet at for 1 to 1 1/2 hour before game time.

As an official, I try not to be the outcome of the game.....

That is all I am stating, I'm not disagreeing with anyone's comments.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 26, 2006, 09:57am
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Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred

As an official, I try not to be the outcome of the game.....
I can't agree with that philosophy. As an official, sometimes you have to be the outcome of the game.

Just call the game consistently and evenly from beginning to end, and no one will ever have any real complaints with you. Swallowing your whistle at the end because you don't want to be the "outcome of the game" is just wrong imo, if that is what you are referring to. If you ignore a righteous foul or violation at the end of a game by trying to rationalize that you didn't want to affect the outcome, then you really are affecting the outcome by screwing the team that didn't commit that foul or violation.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 27, 2006, 06:43am
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Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
As I stated earlier, Not knowing all circumstance, Yes I would have T'd him in a NY second. But for him putting his shirt in his mouth and walking away as the posting stated. I would have looked at what was going on in the game. That is all part of what is discussed in Pregame. we make it mandatory. we normally try to discuss all game situation and even then we don't cover all, it's imposible. we "TRY". We ask that we meet at for 1 to 1 1/2 hour before game time.

As an official, I try not to be the outcome of the game.....

That is all I am stating, I'm not disagreeing with anyone's comments.

By not penalizing bad sportsmanship, you are costing the team that maintains composure. I hate this "don't want to be deciding the outcome" crap. If it's a T 3 minutes in, it's one with 3 seconds left. Just make sure it's the right call you can defend.
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