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  #151 (permalink)  
Old Wed Apr 07, 2004, 09:59pm
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Originally posted by Judge
Just think if the call woul dhave gone agasint Summit? can you imagine her outburst, I promise she would have gone crazy, shje works refs the whole game, if this woul dhave happen to her team I can promise you she would not have said it would have been a call a 3mins or .02. A reporter asked her what she would have thought if it had been agaisnt her team and instead of answering the question she glared the reporter down.

Whereinthehell are you getting your info from? Off of the Baylor fanboy site again? You're completely wrong- also again. Summit answered that question in an interview on ESPN. The link to that interview has already been posted in a thread here. Summit said that if it's called a foul in the first 10 minutes, then it should also be called a foul with .02 seconds to go. In other words, once again you're full of dexter, dexterhead!

Get over it, fanboy. Baylor lost. Go root your football team on to to glory. They're a class act, just like you.
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 08, 2004, 09:19am
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What in Dexter's name is going on in our schools today? Teachers aren't overpaid, at least not those in charge of teaching decimals. It's 0.2, not .02 for the love of Dexter!
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-- John Wooden
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  #153 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 08, 2004, 10:33am
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Originally posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
What in Dexter's name is going on in our schools today? Teachers aren't overpaid, at least not those in charge of teaching decimals. It's 0.2, not .02 for the love of Dexter!
Thank you, PA Coach.

"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #154 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 04:37pm
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I can assure you she would not handled this the way Mulkey did. That e-mail from the Baylor post was not mine by the way, I just wanted to see a reaction and yes I am a Baylor fan, but it owuld not have mattered who won the game, it was a terrible call..period....Just like the game between uconn and duke was a game that was poorly officiated. We should be finding ways to get great refs in great games reguardless of who their network is. if you do not like my opnions that is fine I don't care. I am sick of watching games that are officiated so poorly.
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 05:09pm
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Previously, when fans came here and did nothing but vent about how bad the officiating was in their team's loss, they were banned? Why has that changed?
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  #156 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 05:21pm
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Because I am a an official not a fan, I always let people around me at games know when officials are doing a good job.
We have lost many a game where the offciating was outstanding and I say so, this is a case of it not being outstanding but poor, just becuase you offciate does not mean you have to put up with poor performance. I am just as harsh on my own performances and always listens to other refs feedback to get better. This call was a travesty to women's basketball and I believe it is because of the "officating network and how officials are chosen". It has to be becuase there were some great officials sitting at home that would have done the Baylor game and the unconn/duke game justice.
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  #157 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 05:44pm
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Originally posted by Judge
Because I am a an official not a fan, I always let people around me at games know when officials are doing a good job.

Yup, you're an official, and you sit in the stands and critique the officials to the fans around you. And I'm Spiderman.

You're just another fanboy who doesn't know squat about the game of basketball. Your team lost. It's over. Go away.

(expletive deleted- Brendan)

[Edited by BBall_Junkie on Apr 12th, 2004 at 08:55 AM]
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  #158 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 05:55pm
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nice response, whats wrong with a little constructive critcism. I promise you I can ref cirlces around your ).)
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  #159 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 06:12pm
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Originally posted by Judge
nice response, whats wrong with a little constructive critcism. I promise you I can ref cirlces around your ).)
Whoinhell are you trying to fool into thinking that you're an official? No real official would ever dream of coming here and displaying such a pronounced and complete lack of integrity in their avocation like you have shown. Even rookie officials wouldn't do that- more than once! You're just another pot-bellied fanboy, sitting in his La-Z-Boy with a six-pack hollering at the tv. They lost, goober. Honest. Get over it.

How old are you anyway, to be that obsessed about a damn game? Maybe a better question is how mature? Think about it.

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  #160 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 06:33pm
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I am long past the game, I was over that the next day, what I am not past, is as a referee I am sick of watching crappy officiating. I expect alot more from our profession that what I witness on a weekly basis in the Big 12(womens). There are some great refs in the Big 12 and know 4 of them personally, but there plenty who are there, who should not be period. They are there because of gender,race or the system picking them. My pet peeve happens to be lack of common sense and understanding how to apply the rules not just as they are writtne but with the spirit included. marci weston's written response to the call says exactly that, a referee should be aware of what situations they are in because it does matter what time of the game it is. Go back and watch the films of both games I mentioned and tell me they were offciated well. You will not be able to. I am saying this should not happen at games at this high of a level. offciating should never be the center of attention after a or during a game and these two games it was and the commentaors were correct.
Something is wrong with the system that allows this to happen. Earlier in the year a lady ref called a Baylor player for stepping out of bounds, when the replay clearly shows they did not. I defended the ref to my friends because we have all at times been out of position to make calls, I did not defend the fact she called something she did not see, If you do not see it you do not call it, if you miss it becuase you did not see it I can live with that. She guessed and possibly impacted the outcome of a game at a critical time, not because she is not a good official but because she used poor judgment. I am passionate about getting it right and I am passionate about our fraternity who never admits when they are wrong. This prevents us from improving as an organzation and it is one of the biggest complaints the public has with officiating in general.
I will say it again get your ego out the way it is ok to be critized when it is deserved. It is just my opnion and I am sorry you want all refs to think alike and not show a displeasure in a poorly offciated game.
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  #161 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 07:45pm
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Originally posted by Judge
. There are some great refs in the Big 12 and know 4 of them personally, but there plenty who are there, who should not be period. They are there because of gender,race or the system picking them.

Ah, now all of your b*tching is starting to make a little more sense to me. The officials that are bad are either women, black or political appointees. My, my! And all along, I thought that we were just dealing with your average, ignorant fanboy. Turns out now that we were dealing with a sub-genus of that species (with the emphasis on "sub")- the ignorant, bigoted fanboy.

Baylor lost, goober! You can scream at the wife and kick the dog- or vice/versa- but nothing's gonna change that. Wipe your tears up with your sheet, put it back over your head and get on with your life.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Apr 10th, 2004 at 10:50 AM]
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 07:50pm
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Isn't it about time that this thread, and Judge, both got dumped?
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 09, 2004, 09:58pm
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I've asked for that a couple of times but to no avail.

This guy isn't an official. He sought this site out after his girls from Baylor lost. If he was an official and had any interest in true discussion, he would have posted long before now.

No, he's just another Richard Cranium.
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