Originally posted by Judge
. There are some great refs in the Big 12 and know 4 of them personally, but there plenty who are there, who should not be period. They are there because of gender,race or the system picking them.
Ah, now all of your b*tching is starting to make a little more sense to me. The officials that are bad are either women, black or political appointees. My, my! And all along, I thought that we were just dealing with your average, ignorant fanboy. Turns out now that we were dealing with a sub-genus of that species (with the emphasis on "sub")- the ignorant, bigoted fanboy.
Baylor lost, goober! You can scream at the wife and kick the dog- or vice/versa- but nothing's gonna change that. Wipe your tears up with your sheet, put it back over your head and get on with your life.
[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Apr 10th, 2004 at 10:50 AM]