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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 03:29pm
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I agree with Chuck, let it go. Poor kid is already embarrased that he missed the dunk and now you are going to whack him. I would talk to him and let him know that he can't do that. Trouble finds me enough as it is, i don't go looking for it anymore

My two sense!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 03:43pm
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Re: Re: What would you do?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SteveF
Originally posted by Back In The Saddle
No offense intended here as I am sure these officials are okay if you respect them. But it is because of idiots...........
You start with "no offense intended" and then move on to "idiots." I hope your officiating is more consistent than your writing.

Starting the game with a "T" is a bad way to get rolling. If it's unavoidable fine, but it sounds like the officials could have easily passed on this one.

When you first start officiating, the rules are black and white. The more you ref, the more they start to gray up (at least for the most skilled and successful officials).


[Edited by zebraman on Feb 4th, 2004 at 02:47 PM]
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 03:49pm
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Official to coach: "You know coach, I just saw 34 go up for what could be viewed as an attempt to dunk. I'm not positive, but if I thought for sure he was trying to dunk the ball, I'd have to T him up."
Let the coach deal with it unless he at least gets some rim.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 05:51pm
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Re: Re: What would you do?

Originally posted by SteveF
No offense intended here as I am sure these officials are okay if you respect them. But it is because of idiots like that ignore rules or decide not to enforce certain ones that make my job hard when I see it and call it by the rules. [/B]
Better watch who you call an idiot. I suppose you blow your whistle on the jump ball that doesn't go up at perfect right angle to the floor as well, huh? Why start the game with a bad situation if it can be avoided. If it's a clear dunk, yes, but questionable, no. Imagine explaining this to the coach: Coach, we're going to start with a T because A2 (or A8 probably) dunked during warmups. By the way, you have to be seated all game. Coach: He can't even get over the rim, how can he dunk?!!!!???? You can't call that!!!! Get the picture.

Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 05:54pm
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Re: Re: Re: What would you do?

Originally posted by zebraman
The more you ref, the more they start to gray up (at least for the most skilled and successful officials).
Z, don't you mean, ..."at least for the most skilled and successful idiots". Sorry, couldn't resist.

Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 04, 2004, 09:03pm
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"On a free throw the kid in the lower block has their toe on the ground with their heel protruding over the Block"

Can someone tell me where it states this is a violation?
I see this all the time and i have never in my life saw it called
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 05, 2004, 12:22am
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Ok thanks for your imput... Here is what I did

When the player came running around to my side of the court on their lay up drills I asked him what his # was. He asked me why I needed his number and I told him that I just needed it before we could start the game. He said 53 and that was the end of it although I think I nonintentionally scared the crap out of him as I then went to go check the book and have our meeting.

After all that was done I told his coach that # 53 came awfull close to getting a T for trying to dunk and thought he should be aware of it.

No T was givin but he did get an earfull from his coach
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 05, 2004, 12:23am
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Ok thanks for your imput... Here is what I did

When the player came running around to my side of the court on their lay up drills I asked him what his # was. He asked me why I needed his number and I told him that I just needed it before we could start the game. He said 53 and that was the end of it although I think I nonintentionally scared the crap out of him as I then went to go check the book and have our meeting.

After all that was done I told his coach that # 53 came awfull close to getting a T for trying to dunk and thought he should be aware of it.

No T was given but he did get an earfull from his coach
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 05, 2004, 06:33am
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Originally posted by Gmoore
"On a free throw the kid in the lower block has their toe on the ground with their heel protruding over the Block"

Can someone tell me where it states this is a violation?
I see this all the time and i have never in my life saw it called
Rule 9.1.9 (nfhs) ..."a player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond the 'vertical plane' of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space..."

But, yeah, it's not really called, is it?
"Have you ever heard of the 5-pt play--a multiple foul on a 3-pt try that goes?" LoL
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 05, 2004, 06:50am
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Originally posted by cmathews
I have heard of and seen officials "test" their whistle as they near the "visual confines" There is a Gym in our area where the officials room door opens directly onto the court under one of the baskets...Guys that work there usually give a little whistle test just as they open it....
For the above actions the only reply I could come up with is wow! 15 minutes and we are on the court. Next thing you know someone will need the announcer to announce the officials entrance.
Bobbymo did the right thing IMHO. If the kid missed the dunk like he said I would have did what he did or told him "you know if you would have made that dunk we would have to start the game with a T." It is February and there are officials who overlook something like this? I'm not going to call anyone names but it does make it harder for all officials. Also, we can't say "well in my area" these teams travel a lot and you could have just made it hard for me this summer! Some things are in the grey area and somethings are not. A small travel here and there I can see but a dunk in pregame. This really isn't a judgement call. Anyone could be in the stands watching you and we must handle business. This isn't really a part of "game management."
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 05, 2004, 10:05am
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Originally posted by zebracz
Originally posted by Gmoore
"On a free throw the kid in the lower block has their toe on the ground with their heel protruding over the Block"

Can someone tell me where it states this is a violation?
I see this all the time and i have never in my life saw it called
Rule 9.1.9 (nfhs) ..."a player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond the 'vertical plane' of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space..."

But, yeah, it's not really called, is it?
that was exactly my point, that there are several situations where no calls are the best calls, and it doesn't make us all idiots
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 06, 2004, 02:02pm
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Talking Coach......By the way, you have to be seated all game.

Maybe that pre-game T is not such a bad idea after all
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sun Feb 08, 2004, 11:50am
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The Whistle - The reason "good officials" are considered good officials and advance to the next level of play is GAME MANAGEMENT. You have to be able to understand the situation and determine what is the appropriate action (violation, foul, T, no call, etc.). What you have described - looking to balance out lopsided foul counts and "killing the loser w/ kindness" - are two examples of good officiating. Coaches may not want to hear that, but experienced, veteran officials talk about it all the time. Despite the "black and white rules" of the rule books, there are plenty of gray areas that call for judgement - that's when you as an official can excell. For example - take an extra second or two before administering a throw-in when you see a sub on his way to the table to report; when calling a foul w/ mulitple defensive players involed - give it to the kid with the least amount of fouls (which means you need to have an idea of fouls counts -especially on the best players on the floor); don't bail an offensive player out of a bad situation he created by calling a foul on the defense; etc. I'm not talking about swallowing the whistle completely, just exercising good judgement in the greay areas.

If a kid dunks and no one sees it - pass.
Jeff Pearson
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