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Old Thu Feb 05, 2004, 06:50am
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
Originally posted by cmathews
I have heard of and seen officials "test" their whistle as they near the "visual confines" There is a Gym in our area where the officials room door opens directly onto the court under one of the baskets...Guys that work there usually give a little whistle test just as they open it....
For the above actions the only reply I could come up with is wow! 15 minutes and we are on the court. Next thing you know someone will need the announcer to announce the officials entrance.
Bobbymo did the right thing IMHO. If the kid missed the dunk like he said I would have did what he did or told him "you know if you would have made that dunk we would have to start the game with a T." It is February and there are officials who overlook something like this? I'm not going to call anyone names but it does make it harder for all officials. Also, we can't say "well in my area" these teams travel a lot and you could have just made it hard for me this summer! Some things are in the grey area and somethings are not. A small travel here and there I can see but a dunk in pregame. This really isn't a judgement call. Anyone could be in the stands watching you and we must handle business. This isn't really a part of "game management."
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