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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 13, 1999, 09:26pm
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 2

Question #10 on Refresher Exam says: Prior to the start of the first extra period, team A, which has used its timeouts during regulation play requests a timeout. Official grants the request and charges team A with a technical foul. Is the official correct? The answer says yes but Rule 5, Section 12, Article 4 says additional full length timeouts shall not be granted. It says nothing about giving a "T". Casebook p. 40 does say it is a "T". I have to say their is a contradiction here.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 13, 1999, 10:43pm
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Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 3

Not a contradiction, just less info in the rule book than there is in the case book. The rule book says that a time-out shall not be granted. The penalty for requesting a time-out when you don't have any left is always a technical foul.
The case book is trying to clarify the difference between calling an "extra" time-out during regulation as opposed to calling an "extra" time-out after regulation, but before the extra period. During regulation, a team that is out of time-outs and asks for one gets a technical foul, but they also get the time-out. In this special case, they get a technical foul, but that does NOT buy them a time-out.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 14, 1999, 01:46am
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Here's a can of worms on this topic. It's a fact that if a team, during the game, requests an excess timeout, the timeout is granted and it's a technical foul. What do you do if the excess timeout was requested during a time when that team could not legally be granted a timeout (if they still had one, that is)? Do you call the T and give them the timeout, or do you ignore it the same as if they had a timeout left? This happened in a game I had about 4 years ago. My partner (a 15 year vet) called the T and gave them the timeout. I told him during the timout I disagreed, and that he should have ignored it, since the other team was in team control at the time (holding ball to inbound on spot throwin). Comments?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 14, 1999, 12:02pm
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Posts: 83

Joe wrote: In this special case, they get a technical foul, but that does NOT buy them a time-out.

I disagree. Case 5.11.4A, Ruling: "The time-out is granted and results in a technical foul." So, they do get the benefit of the time-out.

Rule 5-12-4 and Case 5.12.4A just explain when the additional time-outs become available for use.

Mark wrote: I told him during the timout I disagreed, and that he should have ignored it, since the other team was in team control at the time (holding ball to inbound on spot throwin).

Mark, you were right (except that there is no team control during a throw-in). Excess time-outs should be granted and treated just like regular time-outs, except that they are bought with a technical foul. However, once your partner erroneously granted the team not in control of the ball the time-out, that time-out, once granted, cannot be revoked and will be bought with a T. (5.8.3E)

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 16, 1999, 12:10am
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Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 89

Can not grant a TO prior to the start of an extra period. Time has to start to grant a TO.

Where are you getting the refresher test from? Is it possible to get a copy e-mailed to me?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 16, 1999, 09:43am
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That's not quite true. You can have a time out between the end of the fourth quarter and the start of the OT (ignoring, for the moment, that the OT is an extension of the fourth quarter). You just can't have successive time outs during this time, and you can't use the extra TO that's granted for the OT.

So, either A or B can call, and be granted, a TO. The other team cannot be granted a TO, but htere is no penalty for requesting one. If the team that is granted a TO has (at least) one left at the end of regulation, they are charged wioth a TO. If the team doesn not have any left at the end of regulation, they are granted the TO, but charged with a (team) technical. The extra period will begin by shooting the free throws for the T, and then with a throw-in for the T. Set the arrow when the ball is at the disposal of the thrower.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 16, 1999, 08:48pm
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Posts: 89

Bob, please take a look at the Federation case book, caes # 5.11.3a AND 5.11.3B. The clock hass to start before you can call a time out after the game ended and before any extra periods begin.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 16, 1999, 08:53pm
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Posts: 89

Look at 5.11.4A. The rules change due to the team not having any time outs.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 16, 1999, 10:38pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 83

Bob, please take a look at the Federation case book, caes # 5.11.3a AND 5.11.3B.

Richard, please take another look at cases 5.11.3A and 5.11.3B. In both cases one time-out was properly granted after the expiration of playing time. It's the second, or successive, time-out request that is denied.

Also, note that Rule 5.12.3 states: "Successive time-outs shall not be granted..." If no time-outs were to be granted at all, the word "successive" would have been deleted...
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