[QUOTE=BillyMac;1042002]They are the same in regard such that they are both,
by rule definition, a common foul.
4-19-2: A common foul is a personal foul which is neither flagrant nor intentional nor committed against a player trying or tapping for a field goal nor a part of a double, simultaneous or multiple foul.
Bill, many years ago I read an article where a man tried using his Sears Craftsman lawn mower to trim the hedges and seriously injured himself. He sued Sears by pointing out that Sears failed to include in the instructions not to use the lawn mower to trim hedges. In basketball, millions and millions of free throws have been taken over the years. How many times has a free throw shooter ever been fouled IN THE ACT OF SHOOTING during those millions of free throws? Who would reasonably expect that maybe the NFHS should have included "free throw" along with "field goal" in the instructions of Rule 4-19-2? Stupid NFHS? No. Stupid basketball officials? You make the call.