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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 07:06pm
This IS My Social Life
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Would it be out of order to ask you to post some video of you officiating?
Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 03, 2015, 10:55am
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by CountTheBasket View Post
I wouldn't get discouraged so soon...there are only so many "good" games, and most of the time an excess of referees that truly deserve them. I myself am a younger official so each season I feel I have improved drastically, and I remember being very disappointed at the first "wave" last season. By the end I had achieved an improved schedule over the prior year, which is all I could ask for. Sounds like you've put in some good work....don't worry that the fouls are 6-1 against your team right now, they always even out by the end of the game!
I sent you a PM.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 03, 2015, 12:08pm
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
While I agree with you, also remember that as an independent contractor a customer (the association) has the right to hire you or not hire you by just about whatever criteria they wish (not including discrimination based on age/gender/etc.). Then can't make you not work for someone else but they also can just choose not to have you work for them.
I agree with this. I just don't like the sense of entitlement that is evident when officials are threatened for working in other leagues and being unavailable for varsity games on a given night because of that. If the rating system wasn't so terrible and we could get more than two nights a week of varsity work from the SCHSL, then it wouldn't be an issue.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 04, 2015, 09:00am
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As you can likely tell, a long term reader in the forum, almost non-existent poster. Primarily because I don't post unless I have something significant to contribute. I can relate to your being frustrated, and comments of the assignor being disingenuous. The other stuff, not so much. I've been officiating high school bball for 15 years with one varsity assignment. The person most responsible for that is . . . . me.

I started late at 48 and that put me at a big disadvantage. Others may disagree but I'm a realist and age should play a part both in development and assignments. By the time I felt I was actually ready to work a varsity game, I was 52. Way too late for any assignor managing hundreds (maybe even thousands) of varsity contests to start looking at me as someone who should be given the opportunity over those much younger. (I have always been, and still am very physically fit, tall, slim and well groomed - so that's never been an issue). Nor did I have the time or inclination to get close to established officials or play association politics that may have helped influence an assignor. (It sounds like you may have done that at one time so you might rekindle that if possible.)

I've been to the assignors camps, have always received great ratings from state evaluators and an excellent rating and review from one of the assignors own evaluators with a recommendation that I was qualified to work varsity games. Never happened.

Was I disappointed? Yes, very. Do I understand it? Yes, absolutely. You really can't expect an assignor to delay the development of younger officials who are capable and ready to work varsity contests. Or to give leaner schedules to those who have proven varsity experience. It's just a reality in officiating like anything else. It was unfortunate that you had health issues and you may have been a good varsity official. But you did have the long term break, others have moved up and you're not going to get many if any varsity assignments in the future. In fact, like me, your schedules are likely going to get worse, not better.

Bottom line. I got into this because I love the game of basketball. Played high school/college ball, coached my kids, watched my kids in high school and college (why I started officiating late so I didn't miss any of their games - don't regret it). I love that I can still be a part of the game, even if it's only Freshmen, Sophomore and JV games. I look forward to it, enjoy being part of it and have fun with it. I'll do it as long as the body allows. My advice to you is: Be disappointed, and even frustrated if you want because you're not doing varsity games. But recognize that part of your officiating life is likely over. If you don't enjoy the games you are getting, and what comes with them, stop doing them . . . . . just my two cents.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 05, 2015, 11:10am
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 277
Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
It's all about the lens you view your assignment through. If it's fun, keep doing it. When it's not fun anymore, that's ok, but stop doing it.
I am struggling with this now. I will start a new thread to elaborate. I love working the games, but the process of getting the games is becoming an anchor on my enjoyment.
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