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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 10:45am
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
In my state, all varsity games are assigned out of the Columbia SCHSL office based on your rating and rating alone. We're only allowed two nights of varsity per week (almost always doubleheaders, girls then boys). We get all our sub-varsity assignments from our district director. The only way to get "better" varsity assignments is to get better ratings from your peers, do better on the exam, and get full experience points by staying in the league for five years.

I give my best effort, but oh how I wish I wouldn't have to work girls basketball.
That is the worst system I've ever heard of.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 10:50am
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
We should give our best effort, but let us not act like every level is treated the same.
How does a statement that they deserve my best effort become "every level should be treated the same"?

This to me is about as silly of a statement as when we say, "We do this for the kids" when we are working games.
I hate this phrase too. But, I didn't say either of these things.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 12:08pm
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Originally Posted by jpgc99 View Post
That is the worst system I've ever heard of.
It is certainly not ideal from my perspective. However, I as well as many other officials also work with the SC Independent School Association (SCISA), which has its own officials association and its own method of assigning games, more based on merit and actually being a good official than on a number. Sometimes the SCHSL gets mad at us for taking assignments in SCISA and having to block certain dates in Arbiter–I thought we were independent contractors.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 12:36pm
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
It is certainly not ideal from my perspective. However, I as well as many other officials also work with the SC Independent School Association (SCISA), which has its own officials association and its own method of assigning games, more based on merit and actually being a good official than on a number. Sometimes the SCHSL gets mad at us for taking assignments in SCISA and having to block certain dates in Arbiter–I thought we were independent contractors.
Off-topic, but I am surprised how many independent associations are still out there. Two years after I left Wisconsin to go to college, the old WISAA folded and merged with the WIAA. At the time I was told we were the second-to-last state to still have an independent schools league. I now know that whoever told me that was full of bologna. Seems like more than half of the eastern seaboard states still have independent leagues. The question is.....why? Why did mergers occur everywhere west of the Appalachans, but not so much on the east coast?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 12:51pm
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Originally Posted by jpgc99 View Post
That is the worst system I've ever heard of.
Yup. Can only work 2 nights a week -- that's complete bologna and restraint of trade.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 12:52pm
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To the OP, there a few other things you might consider as well:

1. Is there possibly an ulterior motive behind the assignments? For example, are you being assigned with newer officials that could benefit from your experience? Are you being assigned to games that where the product isn't particularly pretty because other less experienced officials have failed to manage the game properly. Even if the reason you're getting these games isn't obvious, look for something adds a little more of a challenge for you.

2. Is you assignor possibly still concerned about your health? You mentioned that your assignor expressed concern when you returned last year, but I couldn't ascertain if you meant he was concerned about your performance or health. You said he assured you he didn't have a problem with you, but that doesn't indicate to me that his concern has gone away either. If his concern is about your health, he may still worry that higher level games, which can be faster paced, may be too much for you. His motivation may not be to hold you out of those games due to a lack of speed, but for fear of how your health might be impacted. If there is any chance that is the case, I'd recommend discussing that with him and being as open as you can with him about your health status. It may be that simple, or he may be concerned enough to want some kind of a statement from your doctor.

3. Lastly, there is simply the issue of maybe other guys have improved to the point of surpassing your skill level. This doesn't mean you are suddenly a bad official. From a statistics perspective, if you take a group people with IQs ranging from 115 to 145, the people with IQs between 115-130 will be the dummies of the group. Mix this group back into the general population where the 115-130 range is a standard deviation from the normal range, and these people are once again on the top end of the scale. If your assignor identified 15 guys that improved their ratings from the previous year, it is possible they've earned the opportunity to get those games. It doesn't mean you aren't still a good official or that you are being held back by your age, weight or speed.

I'll leave you with this last thought...the only way you'll ever get an honest understanding of what is going on is by talking with your assignor. The key to that conversation though is to go into it with pure intentions. If you go into it with the belief that you are being discriminated against because of size, weight or age, that bias will shape the conversation. Ask your assignor if you can schedule some time to talk (face to face is best), let him know what you perceive and how you feel (don't blame, just explain) and then give your assignor an opportunity to respond. Listen with an open mind and be prepared to acknowledge and accept that he may see the situation differently because each of you have different perspectives on the matter because you are invested differently. After hearing him out, you can explain the change you'd like to see (e.g. you being assigned to higher level games or better communication on why you're getting assigned certain games) and then ask him what you can do to help make that happen.
My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions." --George W. Bush
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 01:39pm
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Originally Posted by BoomerSooner View Post
To the OP, there a few other things you might consider as well:

3. Lastly, there is simply the issue of maybe other guys have improved to the point of surpassing your skill level. This doesn't mean you are suddenly a bad official. From a statistics perspective, if you take a group people with IQs ranging from 115 to 145, the people with IQs between 115-130 will be the dummies of the group. Mix this group back into the general population where the 115-130 range is a standard deviation from the normal range, and these people are once again on the top end of the scale. If your assignor identified 15 guys that improved their ratings from the previous year, it is possible they've earned the opportunity to get those games. It doesn't mean you aren't still a good official or that you are being held back by your age, weight or speed.

I'll leave you with this last thought...the only way you'll ever get an honest understanding of what is going on is by talking with your assignor. The key to that conversation though is to go into it with pure intentions. If you go into it with the belief that you are being discriminated against because of size, weight or age, that bias will shape the conversation. Ask your assignor if you can schedule some time to talk (face to face is best), let him know what you perceive and how you feel (don't blame, just explain) and then give your assignor an opportunity to respond. Listen with an open mind and be prepared to acknowledge and accept that he may see the situation differently because each of you have different perspectives on the matter because you are invested differently. After hearing him out, you can explain the change you'd like to see (e.g. you being assigned to higher level games or better communication on why you're getting assigned certain games) and then ask him what you can do to help make that happen.
I appears as some may have misunderstood or I did a really poor job in expressing my frustration...probably the later.

I have no thoughts that I am a great official. I am not the best in the chapter but I am certainly not the worse. When I spoke with the assignor I made it very clear I took responsibility for the games on my schedule but he just would not mention things he thought I needed to improve, even after I asked three times. The only things he said were (1) Look around, lots of young slender guys (2) I looked better with the weight loss and looked like I feel better (3) He had no issues with my mechanics or rules knowledge and (4) I was one of the people he wanted to see work. At this point I cannot change his perception of me for this season...just the way it is.

I never said any game was beneath me. In the last year I have worked games for 1st grade boys and girls up to HS varsity level in select tournaments. In every one I do the best I can in that game. Like everyone, some are better than others. I will go work a freshmen girls game between two schools that...well suck...but don't tell me all the games are the same...especially when there are twice as many people on the court as there are in the stands (parents and students).

Since I did not work with any newer officials last year I seriously doubt that is the "motive" behind my schedule and without a doubt others have passed my skill level...just like officials above my skill level retired or moved to strictly college.

Lastly, I know every game at every level deserves a crew of good officials who are working hard. In my opinion, officials typically work the lower level games to improve so they can get a better schedule. When that is no longer happening...well, decisions need to be made.

I will work every game I am given and do my best. When the season is over I will evaluate the schedule and compare it to last year. If things are the same then I just need to decide if I enjoy it enough to do those games the rest of my officiating life. If the answer is yes I renew my membership, if the answer is no I burn the clothes and find something else to do with my time.

One thing I will no longer do is "raise my hand" when there is an urgent need to fill a spot. I have done that in many, many times in the past to help out and (honestly) just in case my name appears on a list of possible officials of basically the same skill for a game and he sees it and thinks "He jumped to my aid several times, I'll give it to him". Either that never happens or I am a schmuck.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 02:09pm
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
Off-topic, but I am surprised how many independent associations are still out there. Two years after I left Wisconsin to go to college, the old WISAA folded and merged with the WIAA. At the time I was told we were the second-to-last state to still have an independent schools league. I now know that whoever told me that was full of bologna. Seems like more than half of the eastern seaboard states still have independent leagues. The question is.....why? Why did mergers occur everywhere west of the Appalachans, but not so much on the east coast?
I can tell you for certain that GA, SC, NC, and VA all have independent school associations. SCISA has its own officials association, unlike the other three states which, I believe, use the associations that the respective public school leagues use (don't quote me on that).

I don't see a merger happening in South Carolina anytime soon for a couple simple reasons. (1) The smaller public schools do not want to compete against the larger private schools, which they would given the SCHSL setup. (2) The smaller private schools do not want to compete with public schools with exponentially larger student bodies. (3) There's never really been even an allusion to the idea.

Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Yup. Can only work 2 nights a week -- that's complete bologna and restraint of trade.
It is ridiculous, however, for what it's worth, that is only applicable for varsity assignments. There's no limit on the number of sub-varsity we can work; problem is, typically the sub-varsity games are for the officials that aren't rated high enough to get varsity games. Additionally, sub-varsity is 2-man statewide.

The solution to get more varsity games is to work in SCISA. But the SCHSL/SCBOA whines and has tried to discourage officials in the past from blocking dates or declining games for the purpose of working in other leagues. That, in my opinion, is what's truly ridiculous about the system–officials get threatened with losing assignments and rating points for working in other leagues.

As I said earlier, most of our assignments in this state are girls/boys doubleheaders. I get jealous whenever I read about someone on this forum who doesn't have to work girls basketball.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 03:19pm
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
Off-topic, but I am surprised how many independent associations are still out there.
FWIW, Texas is one of those. Public schools are all members of the UIL but private schools belong to any number of independent associations, the largest being TAPPS (Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools).
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 03:50pm
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I've talked to some officials over the years who fill in open dates with freshman or JV games.

It's fine if that's what they want to do....but some will think of those officials differently than if they only work varsity games.

So, OP, what levels do you work and what do you see as the schedule you want?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 04:03pm
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I've talked to some officials over the years who fill in open dates with freshman or JV games.

It's fine if that's what they want to do....but some will think of those officials differently than if they only work varsity games.

So, OP, what levels do you work and what do you see as the schedule you want?
Yes, I'd like to know this answer, too. My original understanding was that you are working a full varsity schedule but are unhappy with what you perceived to be "less important games." My response reflected that understanding. I might have a different response if you tell me you worked all varsity last year and now are working middle school...
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 04:16pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Not always true, but we often say this on some level. I have had coaches at the lower level in multiple sports not want to treat these levels as the same as the higher levels for multiple reasons. Often times lower level ball is a place where kids will never play beyond that level. There are coaches that know this and even want officials to not enforce certain rules or make accommodations because it is not that "serious." We should give our best effort, but let us not act like every level is treated the same. This to me is about as silly of a statement as when we say, "We do this for the kids" when we are working games.

I had an adult rec league player (dipped his toe in the NBA, has some HS officiating experience) tell me he doesn't want the best refs working his rec leagues. He just wants guys who will keep the game moving, not somebody who knows and enforces all the rules.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 04:17pm
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I've talked to some officials over the years who fill in open dates with freshman or JV games.

It's fine if that's what they want to do....but some will think of those officials differently than if they only work varsity games.

So, OP, what levels do you work and what do you see as the schedule you want?
Just work at the HS level. Before I had to take those years off my schedule was 75-80% varsity, mostly at public schools but some private, with the remainder sub-varsity at the better programs in our coverage area.

Last year (my first back) it was just under 10% schools that would struggle to stay close to a JV team at the better programs...and the remainder sub-varsity scattered all over (several of them involving schools that were just starting to play basketball). With the first release, I have one varsity in the twelve games and the sub-varsity includes 4 freshman/JV double headers. I had none of those last year as my sub-varsity was Boys/Girls double headers. As for what I want...half and half would be great. In fact, I might even be giddy given everything I have been through. is what it is. I can either grit my teeth and work or log into Arbiter and uncheck "Ready".

I'll stop whining now.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 04:20pm
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
...Sometimes the SCHSL gets mad at us for taking assignments in SCISA and having to block certain dates in Arbiter–I thought we were independent contractors.
A sense of entitlement no assignor should have.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 02, 2015, 05:16pm
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
Sometimes the SCHSL gets mad at us for taking assignments in SCISA and having to block certain dates in Arbiter–I thought we were independent contractors.
While I agree with you, also remember that as an independent contractor a customer (the association) has the right to hire you or not hire you by just about whatever criteria they wish (not including discrimination based on age/gender/etc.). Then can't make you not work for someone else but they also can just choose not to have you work for them.
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