Originally Posted by SC Official
It is certainly not ideal from my perspective. However, I as well as many other officials also work with the SC Independent School Association (SCISA), which has its own officials association and its own method of assigning games, more based on merit and actually being a good official than on a number. Sometimes the SCHSL gets mad at us for taking assignments in SCISA and having to block certain dates in Arbiter–I thought we were independent contractors. 
Off-topic, but I am surprised how many independent associations are still out there. Two years after I left Wisconsin to go to college, the old WISAA folded and merged with the WIAA. At the time I was told we were the second-to-last state to still have an independent schools league. I now know that whoever told me that was full of bologna. Seems like more than half of the eastern seaboard states still have independent leagues. The question is.....why? Why did mergers occur everywhere west of the Appalachans, but not so much on the east coast?